S53. Open Poster Session

Conveners and Chairpersons: Sandro Conticelli (Università di Firenze)





Tuesday 3 September 2024

Poster Area

53-1     Booth 173
Accettella D.*, Savini A., Cuffaro M., Diviacco P., Muccini F., Zgur F., Buca M., Cova A., Facchin L., Santulin M., Romeo R. & Viola A. : ISOBatA’s contribution and strategy to Antarctic Seabed Exploration

53-2     Booth 174
Alisi C., Biddau R., Calandrelli T., De Giudici G., Dore E., Fancello D., Marras P.A., Medas D.*, Musu E., Paganin P., Pili S., Podda F., Siclari G. & Vacca S. : Investigation on bioaugmentation as a sustainable alternative to chemical fertilizers: preliminary results

53-3     Booth 175
Bindellini G.*, Benton M.J., Petti F.M., Bernardi M., Rubidge B., Hancox J. & Romano M. : Middle Triassic tetrapods: a triumphant faunal return after the Permo-Triassic mass extinction

53-4     Booth 176
Bonetto S., Caselle C., Frasca G. & Mosca P.* : A geological and geotechnical modelling of Alpine sulphates: the SALT project

53-5     Booth 177
Borzì A.M.*, Cannata A., Panzera F., D’Amico S. & Aster R.C. : Exploring the relationship between the microseism long-term energy trend and wave power in the Mediterranean Sea during the period 1996-2023

53-6     Booth 178
Corradino M.*, Lo Presti V., Cassataro R., Agate M. & Sulli A. : Mapping of Posidonia oceanica meadows in the Capo San Marco offshore (Sciacca, Sicily): evaluation of the lower limit using geophysical methods

53-7     Booth 179
Corradino M.*, Faraci C., Monaco C. & Pepe F. : Coastal boulder production controlled by columnar joints of ignimbrite and extreme waves along the high-energy rocky coast of Pantelleria Island (Sicily Channel, Mediterranean Sea)

53-8     Booth 180
De Carlo C.*, Ferrante V., Longhitano S.G. & Gamberi F. : The evolution of the Mortorio submarine canyon (Eastern Sardinia Margin): preliminary ideas from a process-oriented morphologic interpretation of a shelf-indenting canyon

53-9     Booth 181
De Lucia V.*, Donati Sarti G., Protano G., Nannoni F. & Salvini R. : Drone remote sensing and geopedological analyses for precision farming viticulture in the area of Montalcino (Siena, Italy)

53-10     Booth 182
Fiore A.*, Sabato L., Simone O. & Tropeano M. : Natural sections of incised valleys partly filled by late Quaternary alluvial deposits perched on rocky sea-cliff of Gargano (Apulia, Southern Italy)

53-11     Booth 183
Galamini G.*, Malferrari D., Altimari F., Orlandi S. & Barbieri L. : From waste to resource: recovery of quarry by-products for zinc foliar fertilization 

53-12     Booth 184
Guerriero V.*, Scorzini A.R., Di Lena B., Iulianella S., Di Bacco M. & Tallini M. : Climate variations and crop yields: a sustainability issue illustrated by a case study from the Abruzzo region, Italy

53-13     Booth 185
Ibe C.U.*, Perrini M., Caggianelli A., Brogi A., Langone A., Liotta D., Stuart F., Tursi F. & Zucchi M. : From emplacement to exhumation of a granitic intrusion in a highly extended continental crust: insights from the Pliocene Gavorrano granite (Northern Apennines, Italy)

53-14     Booth 186
Lustrino M.* : Miracles needed. Climate changes and the physical limits of the Earth

53-15     Booth 187
Petrella F.* & Todaro S. : Sedimentological analysis of the Jurassic pelagic “oolites” (Buccheri Formation, Western Sicily): paleoenvironmental and paleogeographic implications

53-16     Booth 188
--- Withdrawn --- Raspi C.*, Jobbagy Z., Minerva N., Folini T., Fagioli L., Mirandola D., Amadei P., Castro J., Moran J., Garcia O., Morrone L., Rotondi A., Martelli F., Coltorti M., Faccini B., Stefani E.7b, Galamini G., Cavazzoni C.7c, Kos T., Šimunac S., Baričevića M., Pipolo A., Pegoiani E. & Cerrato A. : LIFE MICROFIGHTER: innovative Zeo-Biopesticides, based on useful microorganisms, for eliminating the use of copper-based pesticides. Project presentation

53-17     Booth 189
Servetto G.P.*, Root C.M., Di Felice S., Passarella A., Ruiz-Zepeda F., Gieré R. & Vigliaturo R. : Magnetite nanoparticles dissolution in simulated biological fluids

53-18     Booth 190
Smiljanić D., Daković A.*, Marković M., Ožegović M. & Obradović M. : Organobentonites as perspective adsorbents for nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug - diclofenac sodium