Wednesday 4 September 2024 [08.30-10.30]
Aula B
08.30 - 09.00
[KEYNOTE] Gómez-Barreiro J.*
: Textural footprint of orogenic processes: convergence, collision and reequilibration
09.00 - 09.15
(Invited) Zucali M.*, Spalla M.I., Roda M., Zanoni D. & Piloni C.B.
: The Sesia-Lanzo Zone in the Western Alps Subduction Complex: Alpine evolution and pre-Alpine remnants
09.15 - 09.30
Piloni C.B.*, Orellana H.E., Gusmeo T., Assanelli M., Filippi M., Rebay G., Zanoni D., Roda M., Zucali M. & Spalla M.I.
: Tectono-metamorphic evolution of continental and oceanic crustal slices in the Alpine Subduction Complex (Piemonte – Sesia-Lanzo Zone boundary, Western Italian Alps)
09.30 - 09.45
Dana D.*, De Cesari F. , Montomoli C., Iaccarino S. , Lenci S., Corno A. & Carosi R.
: Geology and petrology of the Northern Dora-Maira Massif in the Tredici Laghi - Conca Cialancia area (Germanasca - Pellice Valleys, Western Alps)
09.45 - 10.00
De Cesari F.*, Dana D., Montomoli C., Iaccarino S., Corno A. & Carosi R.
: Unveiling the tectono-metamorphic framework of northern Dora-Maira Massif (Western Alps): insights from Pellice and Chisone valley
10.00 - 10.15
Casoli L.* & Giuntoli F.
: Evidence of strain partitioning and localization in carpholite-bearing hybrid veins: a case study from the Piedmont Zone, Western Italian Alps
10.15 - 10.30
Montemagni C., Monti R., Malaspina N. & Zanchetta S.*
: Shearing at the top of the Adula nappe: syn-collisional exhumation of the San Bernardino eclogites
Wednesday 4 September 2024 [11.00-13.00]
Aula B
11.00 - 11.15
(Invited) Montomoli C.*, Iaccarino S., Montemagni C., Nania L. & Carosi R.
: Multistage evolution of a regional shear zone: constraints from the South Tibetan Detachment System
11.15 - 11.30
Zuccari C.*, Tavarnelli E., Mazzarini F., Viola G., Aldega L., Moretto V., van der Lelij R. & Musumeci G.
: Fault architecture, age and deformation localisation history of the Mykonos Detachment, Cyclades, Greece
11.30 - 11.45
Rocca M.*, Zanchetta S., Montemagni C., Aldega L., Fiorini A., Carminati E., Kylander-Clark A. & Zanchi A.
: New insights on the Late Cretaceous S-verging thrusting in the central Southern Alps: clues from structural, geochemical, and geochronological analyses
11.45 - 12.00
Del Sole L.*, Vignaroli G., Moretto V., Curzi M., Aldega L., van der Lelij R. & Viola G.
: Unveiling complex fault architecture evolution through (micro)structural, geochronological and petrophysical investigations: the case of the Carboneras Fault (SE Spain)
12.00 - 12.15
Ballato P.*, Balestrieri M.L., Dunkl I., Balling P., Paknia M., Biralvand M., Heidarzadeh G., Zeilinger G., Ghasemi M., Faccenna C. & Strecker M.R.
: Tectonic evolution of the northern sectors of the Iranian Plateau: insights from thermo-kinematic modelling into Neogene plateau building processes
12.15 - 12.30
Cattò S., Ballato P., Bagheri S., Zattin M. & Cavazza W.*
: Limited Neogene dip-slip tectonics in the northwestern Iranian Plateau: evidence from low-temperature thermochronology
12.30 - 12.45
Viola G.*, Zuccari C., Giuntoli F., Degl’Innocenti S., Sanguettoli T., Callegari I. & Vignaroli G.
: Orogenic wedge formation during obduction: insights, implications and new perspectives from the Oman Mountains
12.45 - 13.00
Feriozzi F.*, Siravo G. & Speranza F.
: The heritage of Tethyan oceanic transform faults within Alpine orogens: The Shkoder-Peja transverse zone (SPTZ) of Northern Albania
Wednesday 4 September 2024
Poster Area
Booth 182
Cruciani G.*, Fancello D., Ferrari M., Bragagni A., Tommasini S. & Franceschelli M.
: Petrological constraints and geodynamic significance of a Triassic lamprophyre dyke crosscutting the Palaeozoic basement of NE Sardinia, Italy
Booth 183
Carosi R.*, Simonetti M., Montomoli C., Iaccarino S. & Petroccia A.
: The importance of regional-scale shear zones in paleogeographic reconstructions: the case study of the Variscan belt in the Mediterranean area
Booth 184
Caso F., Filippi M., Piloni C.B., Farina F., Roda M., Piazolo S. & Zucali M.*
: A journey into the Permian lower continental crust: a multisciplinary approach to reconstruct migmatization in the Valpelline Series (Dent-Blanche Nappe, Western Alps)
Booth 185
Cicala M.*, De Giosa F., Lisco S., Moretti M. & Festa V.
: Evolution of active margins? A link with the tectonic reactivation in foreland area
Booth 186
Corvò S., Montemagni C., Zanchetta S.* & Langone A.
: Reconciling the onset of Tethyan rifting in the Ivrea Verbano Zone (European Southern Alps)
Booth 187
Montemagni C.*, Rocca M., Zanchi A., Favaro S., Viola G., Aldega L. & Zanchetta S.
: Long-lived activity of a regional thrust-system in a pre-collisional setting: the Orobic Thrust (Southern Alps, N Italy)
Booth 188
Petroccia A.*, Giuntoli F., Viola G. & Callegari I.
: Heterogeneous rock response to deformation in subduction-related continental shear zones: a possible record of episodic tremors and slow slip events from the Saih Hatat window, Oman
Booth 189
Simonetti M.*, Langone A., Bonazzi M., Corvò S. & Maino M.
: Evolution of a rift-related mid-crustal shear zone: the case study of the Forno-Rosarolo shear zone (Ivrea-Verbano Zone, Southern Alps)