S50. Unveiling earthquake mechanics, from field to laboratory based approach

Conveners and Chairpersons: Simone Masoch (Università di Padova), Rocco Novellino (INGV), Giovanni Toffol (Università di Padova), Mattia Pizzati (Università di Parma), Barbara Marchesini (Sapienza Università di Roma), Stefano Aretusini (INGV)




Wednesday 4 September 2024 [17.30-19.30]

Aula B

50-1     17.30 - 18.00
[KEYNOTE] Pozzi G.*, Volpe G., Ruggieri R., Scuderi M., Tesei T., Marone C., Collettini C. & Cocco M. : Friction, mineralogy, and microstructures: how complex is the brittle deformation of faults?

50-2     18.00 - 18.15
Bigaroni N., Trippetta F.*, Noel C., Giorgetti C., Pozzi G. & Collettini C. : Evolution of the Vp/Vs ratio during deformation tests at high fluid pressure: implications for earthquake mechanics

50-3     18.15 - 18.30
Mauro M.*, Volpe G., De Solda M., Magnani M.B., Collettini C. & Scuderi M.M. : Probing the micromechanics of laboratory faults using ultrasonic waves: insights from borehole samples from Delaware Basin, Texas

50-4     18.30 - 18.45
Guglielmi G.*, De Paola N., Giorgetti C., Collettini C. & Trippetta F. : Rheology of Triassic evaporites and implications for seismicity of the Apennines: insights from triaxial laboratory experiments

50-5     18.45 - 19.00
Chinello M.*, Schito A., Bowden S.A., Tesei T., Spagnuolo E., Aretusini S. & Di Toro G. : Origin of mirror-like fault surfaces in bituminous dolostones (Central Apennines, Italy)

50-6     19.00 - 19.15
Tesei T.*, Molli G., Remitti F. , Mittempergher S. & Pozzi G. : The structural geology of fault healing: a preliminary view

50-7     19.15 - 19.30
Di Toro G.*, Gomila R., Feng W., Salvadori L., Wu W.-H., Guglielmi G., Tesei T., Yao L., Sciarra A., Cantucci B., Grassa F., Piochi M. & Ma S. : Frictional fault healing under hydrothermal conditions


Wednesday 4 September 2024

Poster Area

50-8     Booth 173
Abdallah IB.*, Dastoli S., Corradetti A., Taddeo C., Mercuri M., Curzi M. & Agosta F. : Fault roughness associated to fault growth mechanisms along high-angle normal faults, first results from the field-based structural analysis of the Monte Capo di Serre Fault, Abruzzo, Italy

50-9     Booth 174
Aldrighetti S.*, Di Toro G. & Pennacchioni G. : Asymmetric microfracture pattern associated to seismic rupture (Gole Larghe Fault, Italy)

50-10     Booth 175
Manna L., Maino M.*, Dabrowski M. & Casini L. : A study on how the damage geometry governs the stress distribution within a fault zone

50-11     Booth 176
Masoch S.*, Fondriest M., Preto N., Prando F., Di Toro G., Pennacchioni G. & Molli G. : Deformation processes and origin of fluids during Miocene exhumation of Alpine Corsica

50-12     Booth 177
Novellino R.*, Prosser G., Lettino A., Costa S. & Agosta F. : From fault weakening to re-strengthening, new insights on fluidization in carbonate-hosted normal fault

50-13     Booth 178
Pizzati M.*, Aretusini S., Spagnuolo E., Aldega L., Torabi A., Storti F. & Balsamo F. : Shallow earthquakes affecting high-porosity rocks in forearc basin settings: a combined meso-microstructural, mineralogical, and experimental approach

50-14     Booth 179
Salvadori L.*, Tesei T. & Di Toro G. : Frictional strength, healing behaviour and deformation mechanism of low-grade serpentinites at hydrothermal conditions

50-15     Booth 180
Sciarra A.*, Di Toro G., Cantucci B., Gomila R., Grassa F., Piochi M., Brusca L., Bellomo S. & Ricci T. : The study of the seismic cycle in hydrothermal conditions through experiments, analysis and modeling in the SCHOTTA project

50-16     Booth 181
Toffol G.*, Pennacchioni G., Scambelluri M. & Morales L.F.G. : Microstructural record of seismic brittle failure at intermediate-depth conditions