S49. Multidisciplinary approaches to the geometric and kinematic definition of seismogenic faults

Conveners and Chairpersons: Ada De Matteo (Università di Pavia), Francesco Emanuele Maesano (INGV Roma), Simone Bello (Università di Chieti-Pescara G. d'Annunzio), Daniele Maestrelli (Università di Firenze)




Thursday 5 September 2024 [08.30-10.30]

Aula B

49-1     08.30 - 09.00
(Invited) Valensise G.* : From active faults to seismogenic sources: understanding their geometry, hierarchy, and earthquake potential through a fully multidisciplinary approach

49-2     09.00 - 09.15
Lipparini L., Forzese M.*, Chiacchieri D., Cavallaro D., Firetto Carlino M., Scarfì L., Molinari I., Maniscalco R. & Catalano S. : 3D imaging and modelling of a complex regional fault system: the Scicli Line (Sicily, Italy)

49-4     09.15 - 09.30
Loreto M.F.*, Ferrante V., Argnani A., Conti A., Cuffaro M., Ganas A., Lampidou D., Ligi M., Merino I., Muccini F., Elisavet N., Palmiotto C., Petracchini L., Poulos S., Ranero R.C., Romano S. & Nomikou P. : Anatomy of strike-slip Kefalonia fault to Hellenic frontal thrust transitional zone, western Hellenic Arc

49-5     09.30 - 09.45
Francescone M.*, Ciaglia S., Giallini S., Pagliaroli A. & Pizzi A. : New insights on the Mt. Morrone (Central Apennines) active normal fault and related basin through passive seismic methods

49-6     09.45 - 10.00
Battistelli M.*, Ferrarini F., Carafa M.M.C., Cardinali M., Bucci F., Merryman Boncori J.P. & Brozzetti F. : Do faults play hide-and-seek? New hints on the relationship between active deformation and surface faulting in a seismic gap zone of central-southern Apennines – A multidisciplinary approach

49-7     10.00 - 10.15
Alessandrini M. & Menichetti M.* : The geology of Mt. Vettore area in the Sibillini Mountains, Northern Apennines of Italy

49-8     10.15 - 10.30
Tiberti M.M.*, Maesano F.E., Buttinelli M., De Gori P., Ferri F., Minelli L. & Di Nezza M. : A multidisciplinary geophysical approach as help to validate 3D models and investigate the seismotectonics of the Central Apennines (Italy)

Thursday 5 September 2024 [11.00-13.00]

Aula B

49-9     11.00 - 11.15
Safarzadeh E., Barchi M.R.*, Ercoli M., Carboni F., Akimbekova A., Mirabella F. & Porreca M. : Structural style and seismicity: a geological focus on the 2022 Mw5.5 Northern Adriatic off-shore earthquake

49-10     11.15 - 11.30
Lenci S.*, Keir D., Molli G., Vannucchi P., Del Ventisette C. & Pagli C. : Seismological study of transverse faults in a highly segmented extensional front in the Northern Apennines: the case of Sant'Anna Pelago

49-11     11.30 - 11.45
--- Withdrawn --- Bonini L.*, Basili R., Burrato P., Abbate A., Areggi G., Bertone N., Del Ben A., Maesano F.E. & Ponton M. : Geometric and kinematic assessment of the seismogenic sources of Northeast Italy

49-12     11.45 - 12.00
Adinolfi G.M.*, Carducci A., De Matteis R., de Nardis R. & Romano M.A. : Advanced tool for fault plane solution reliability assessment

49-13     12.00 - 12.15
Parnas M.*, Pagli C., Keir D., La Rosa A. & McNeill L. : New analysis of InSAR and seismology for kinematic reconstruction of the 1995 offshore Aigion M6.5 earthquake (Greece)

49-14     12.15 - 12.30
Pietrolungo F.*, Palano M., MadarietaTxurruka A., Srivastava E., Sparacino F., Sulli A., Parrino N., Andrenacci C., Cirillo D., Bello S. & Lavecchia G. : Strain-rate estimation and focal mechanism stress inversion in Himalaya-Tibet region

49-15     12.30 - 13.00
[KEYNOTE] Lavecchia G.* & de Nardis R. : Exploring the significance of fault-earthquake data pairs in unveiling structural and seismotectonic complexities - Case studies across different tectonic regimes in Central Italy


Thursday 5 September 2024

Poster Area

49-3     Booth 0
--- Withdrawn --- Lo Mauro G.*, Sgroi T., Barberi G., Gasperini L., Mantovani A. & Polonia A. : Upper plate’s deformation at the edge of the Ionian slab: morphostructural and seismological analysis of the Gulf of Patti (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea)

49-16     Booth 175
Andrenacci C.*, Lavecchia G., Bello S., Pietrolungo F. & de Nardis R. : Quaternary stress and strain patterns in the Italian peninsula from QUIN's data

49-17     Booth 176
Andrenacci C., Bello S.* & Lavecchia G. : Get to know the QUIN database: applications and potential insights from fault traces and over 8000 structural-geological data points in the Quaternary extensional belt of Italy

49-18     Booth 177
Barrera Acosta D.*, De Matteo A., Maesano F., Toscani G., Seno S. & Basili R. : Probabilistic analysis of slip rates over time of offshore buried thrusts in the Central Adriatic Sea (Italy)

49-19     Booth 178
Buttinelli M.*, Anselmi M. & Maesano F.E. : A fresh view of the 1997 Umbria-Marche seismic sequence in light of a fusion of updated seismological and subsurface data

49-20     Booth 179
Cicala M.*, De Giosa F., Piscitelli A. & Festa V. : Reprocessed SEG-Y seismic profiles across the continuation in the Apulia offshore of the onshore seismogenic Mattinata Fault (Adriatic Sea, Southern Italy)

49-21     Booth 180
Cipressi G.M., Romano M.A.*, Bernardi P., Diez E., Franceschinel F., Garbin M., Guidarelli M., Klin P., Laurenzano G., Moratto L., Peruzza L., Pettenati F., Plasencia M., Priolo E., Rebez A., Romanelli M., Sandron D., Santulin M., Saraò A., Tamaro A., Lavecchia G. & de Nardis R. : Building a comprehensive seismic catalog of the Montello-Collalto area (Eastern Southern Alps, Italy) for seismotectonic and induced seismicity purposes

49-22     Booth 181
Lavecchia G.*, Cirillo D., Andrenacci C., Pietrolungo F., Bello S., Brozzetti F., de Nardis R., Valoroso L., Diaferia G., De Landro G., Presti D., Totaro C., Scolaro S. & Orecchio B. : First detailed 3D geometric and kinematic curvilinear fault models of the Southern Italy extensional belt: integrated analysis of surface and deep data

49-23     Booth 182
Morelli D., Crispini L. *, Locatelli M., Cianfarra P., Federico L., Maino M., Perozzo M. & Seno S. : Past to recent tectonic activity in the western Ligurian Margin: new insights from geophysical marine data

49-24     Booth 183
Palmucci A.*, Brozzetti F., Akimbekova A., Bello S., Ercoli M., Pauselli C., Carboni F., Barchi M.R., Lavecchia G. & Cirillo D. : Field and seismic reflection constraints for the geometric and kinematic characterization of the Quaternary extensional fault system in the Campania-Lucania arc (Southern Apennines, Italy)

49-25     Booth 184
Scolaro S.*, Batlló J., Orecchio B., Presti D., Stich D. & Totaro C. : Exploring historical seismograms: moment tensor inversion of the 1947 Squillace Basin Earthquake (Calabria, South Italy)

49-26     Booth 185
Talone D.*, de Nardis R., De Siena L. & Lavecchia G. : Geometric constraints for thrust-related deformation in eastern Central-Southern Italy: new insights from travel-time and attenuation tomography