Thursday 5 September 2024 [15.30-17.30]
Aula B
15.30 - 16.00
(Invited) Bigi S.*
: Examples of multidisciplinary approach as a strategy to reduce uncertainties in geological models
16.00 - 16.15
Canzoneri A.*, Martorana R., Agate M., Capizzi P., Gasparo Morticelli M., Carollo A. & Sulli A.
: A subsoils model reconstructed integrating geological and geophysical data in the area of the town of Palermo
16.15 - 16.30
Tentori D.*, Mancini M., Livani M., Stigliano F., Milli S. & Moscatelli M.
: Stratigraphic constraints for the 3D modeling of the Tevere Alluvial Valley beneath Rome (Italy)
16.30 - 16.45
Petricca P.*, Castorina G., Congi M.P. & D’Ambrogi C.
: A proposal for simple accuracy evaluation of geological surfaces based on spatial autocorrelation
16.45 - 17.00
Zambrano M.*
: Preliminary findings from deep 3D electrical resistivity tomography in active faults
17.00 - 17.15
Labry C.*, Duque C., Blanco-Coronas A., Da Pelo S., Funedda A. & Marcia L.
: Groundwater modelling in faulted siliciclastic-carbonate sequences
17.15 - 17.30
--- Withdrawn --- Demurtas M.*, Sharp I., Pasqualetto L., Krüger Y., Drost K., Meckler A.N. & Rotevatn A.
: Fluid flow history and paragenesis along a syn-rift basin bounding fault: the Helmsdale Fault (NE Scotland)
Thursday 5 September 2024 [17.30-19.30]
Aula B
17.30 - 18.00
[KEYNOTE] D’Ambrogi C.*
: Geological 3D modeling is the new geological mapping
18.00 - 18.15
Anzelmo G.*, Forzese M., Iacopini D., Carbone S., Catalano S., Montalbano S. & Maniscalco R.
: Building a 3D model of CARG Ragusa Sheet 648 (Hyblean Plateau, SE Sicily, Italy): evaluating/mitigating uncertainty through the integration of structural data at different scales
18.15 - 18.30
Rizzo G.F.*, Maiorana M. & Gasparo Morticelli M.
: Multidisciplinary approach for 3D geological model reconstruction: the example of Mt. San Calogero (Sciacca, Southwestern Sicily)
18.30 - 18.45
Olita F.*, Giampaolo V., Rizzo E., Giano S.I., Capozzoli L., De Martino G. & Prosser G.
: Interpretation of subsurface data for the 3D static model of the High Agri intermontane basin: inferences for Quaternary tectonic evolution of the Southern Apennines
18.45 - 19.00
Pace P.*, Scisciani V. & Mancinelli P.
: 3D Subsurface structural-geological modelling at the Central-Southern Apennines boundary: The 379-Capracotta geological sheet
19.00 - 19.15
Barrera Acosta D.*, Toscani G., Amadori C., Colombera L. & Di Giulio A.
: 3D reconstruction of regional-scale unconformities in the Po Basin: integrating well data and seismic profiles to improve the understanding of Plio-Pleistocene evolution
19.15 - 19.30
Norini G.*, Caielli G., De Franco R., Rusconi D., Aghib F., Schirolli P., Zerboni A., Piccin A., D’Ambrogi C. & the CARG sheet 121 Brescia research group
: Approach and methodologies for the 3D geological modelling of the CARG 121 Brescia 1:50.000 sheet
Thursday 5 September 2024
Poster Area
Booth 160
Abdallah IB.*, Hollis C., Healy D., Prosser G. & Agosta F.
: Multidimensional structural analysis of reservoir-scale fault damage zones flanking the eastern side of the High Agri Valley Basin, Southern Italy
Booth 161
Artoni A.*, Cioce S., Campana D., Martini A., Calabrese L., Lambertini L. & Tinterri R.
: Unexpected results from 3D geological modelling in already extensively investigated area: the SE termination of the Salsomaggiore Terme tectonic window (Northern Apennines foothills, Parma province, Italy)
Booth 162
Barbero E.*, Marcelli I., Irace A., Festa A., Catanzariti R., Da Prato S., Livio F. & Fioraso G.
: From geological map to 3D model: integrating surface and subsurface datasets from Sheet 177 Tortona of the Geological Map of Italy at 1:50.000 scale (CARG Project)
Booth 163
Canzoneri A.*, Martorana R., Capizzi P., Bonfardeci A. & Favara R.
: Characterization of the sedimentary basins in coastal plain sectors through the integration of geological and geophysical data: the case study of the North-Eastern Sicily
Booth 164
Cortassa V.*, Tesauro M., Gola G. , Galgaro A. & Manzella A.
: Geological reconstruction of the Romagna and Ferrara folds area to evaluate its geothermal potential
Booth 165
Fonzetti R.*, Buttinelli M., Valoroso L., De Gori P. & Chiarabba C.
: How high-resolution tomographic imaging can provide new information on fault interaction: the case of the 2009 L’Aquila seismic sequence
Booth 166
Forzese M.*, Lipparini L., Chiacchieri D. , Cavallaro D. , Firetto Carlino M. , Scarfì L. , Faenza L. & Molinari I.
: Regional subsurface 3D model of southern Sicily for potential seismogenic fault characterization and seismic scenarios: the INGV SPIN project
Booth 167
Iandelli I.*, Marchetti E., Benvenuti M., Coli M. & Maestrelli D.
: A first step toward a 3D geological model of Florence area (CARG Programme, Sheet 275): first approach for the reconstruction of the top substrate surface
Booth 168
Invernizzi C.*, Costa M., Penza G., Teloni S. & Pierantoni P.P.
: Seismotectonic characteristics of the 2022/24 Fano seismic sequence (Central Italy)
Booth 169
Livani M.*, Scrocca D., Gaudiosi I., Mancini M., Cavinato G.P., de Franco R., Caielli G., Vignaroli G., Romi A. & Moscatelli M.
: A geology-based 3D velocity model of the Amatrice Basin (Central Italy)
Booth 170
Manna L.*, Menegoni N., Maino M. & Perotti C.
: Early deformations of carbonate platforms driven by differential compaction of the basinal unit: Finite Element Method-based numerical analysis
Booth 171
Marcelli I.*, Irace A. & Fioraso G.
: The subsurface geological map of the Torino metropolitan area (Western Po plain): from 3D model to 2D map export
Booth 172
Meneghini F.*, Rielli A., Boschi C., Baneschi I., Amabile F., Perondi F., Marroni M. & Pandolfi L.
: In search of a geological signature of slow earthquakes: structural and geochemical characterization of crack-seal veins in metasediments from the Alpine accretionary prism
Booth 173
Morabito C.* & Morsilli M.
: The importance of lithofacies mapping: a case study of Eocene base-of-slope deposits of the Apulia Carbonate Platform (Gargano Promontory, Southern Italy)
Booth 174
Pizzati M.*, Torabi A., Cavozzi C., Iacumin P. & Balsamo F.
: Fluid flow patterns inferred from selective cementation in fluvio-deltaic, sandstone-conglomerate bodies, Crotone forearc Basin