S48. Multidisciplinary Approaches to 3D Geological Modelling: Uncertainty mitigation for basin analysis and geological applications

Conveners and Chairpersons: Sara Ciattoni (Università di Urbino), Daniel Tentori (CNR Montelibretti, Roma), Edoardo Barbero (CNR Torino), Fabio Feriozzi (Università di Roma Tre), Matteo Pedini (Università di Camerino), Chiara Zuffetti (Università degli Studi di Milano Statale)




Thursday 5 September 2024 [15.30-17.30]

Aula B

48-1     15.30 - 16.00
(Invited) Bigi S.* : Examples of multidisciplinary approach as a strategy to reduce uncertainties in geological models

48-2     16.00 - 16.15
Canzoneri A.*, Martorana R., Agate M., Capizzi P., Gasparo Morticelli M., Carollo A. & Sulli A. : A subsoils model reconstructed integrating geological and geophysical data in the area of the town of Palermo

48-3     16.15 - 16.30
Tentori D.*, Mancini M., Livani M., Stigliano F., Milli S. & Moscatelli M. : Stratigraphic constraints for the 3D modeling of the Tevere Alluvial Valley beneath Rome (Italy)

48-4     16.30 - 16.45
Petricca P.*, Castorina G., Congi M.P. & D’Ambrogi C. : A proposal for simple accuracy evaluation of geological surfaces based on spatial autocorrelation

48-5     16.45 - 17.00
Zambrano M.* : Preliminary findings from deep 3D electrical resistivity tomography in active faults

48-6     17.00 - 17.15
Labry C.*, Duque C., Blanco-Coronas A., Da Pelo S., Funedda A. & Marcia L. : Groundwater modelling in faulted siliciclastic-carbonate sequences

48-7     17.15 - 17.30
--- Withdrawn --- Demurtas M.*, Sharp I., Pasqualetto L., Krüger Y., Drost K., Meckler A.N. & Rotevatn A. : Fluid flow history and paragenesis along a syn-rift basin bounding fault: the Helmsdale Fault (NE Scotland)

Thursday 5 September 2024 [17.30-19.30]

Aula B

48-8     17.30 - 18.00
[KEYNOTE] D’Ambrogi C.* : Geological 3D modeling is the new geological mapping

48-9     18.00 - 18.15
Anzelmo G.*, Forzese M., Iacopini D., Carbone S., Catalano S., Montalbano S. & Maniscalco R. : Building a 3D model of CARG Ragusa Sheet 648 (Hyblean Plateau, SE Sicily, Italy): evaluating/mitigating uncertainty through the integration of structural data at different scales

48-10     18.15 - 18.30
Rizzo G.F.*, Maiorana M. & Gasparo Morticelli M. : Multidisciplinary approach for 3D geological model reconstruction: the example of Mt. San Calogero (Sciacca, Southwestern Sicily)

48-11     18.30 - 18.45
Olita F.*, Giampaolo V., Rizzo E., Giano S.I., Capozzoli L., De Martino G. & Prosser G. : Interpretation of subsurface data for the 3D static model of the High Agri intermontane basin: inferences for Quaternary tectonic evolution of the Southern Apennines

48-12     18.45 - 19.00
Pace P.*, Scisciani V. & Mancinelli P. : 3D Subsurface structural-geological modelling at the Central-Southern Apennines boundary: The 379-Capracotta geological sheet

48-13     19.00 - 19.15
Barrera Acosta D.*, Toscani G., Amadori C., Colombera L. & Di Giulio A. : 3D reconstruction of regional-scale unconformities in the Po Basin: integrating well data and seismic profiles to improve the understanding of Plio-Pleistocene evolution

48-14     19.15 - 19.30
Norini G.*, Caielli G., De Franco R., Rusconi D., Aghib F., Schirolli P., Zerboni A., Piccin A., D’Ambrogi C. & the CARG sheet 121 Brescia research group : Approach and methodologies for the 3D geological modelling of the CARG 121 Brescia 1:50.000 sheet


Thursday 5 September 2024

Poster Area

48-15     Booth 160
Abdallah IB.*, Hollis C., Healy D., Prosser G. & Agosta F. : Multidimensional structural analysis of reservoir-scale fault damage zones flanking the eastern side of the High Agri Valley Basin, Southern Italy

48-16     Booth 161
Artoni A.*, Cioce S., Campana D., Martini A., Calabrese L., Lambertini L. & Tinterri R. : Unexpected results from 3D geological modelling in already extensively investigated area: the SE termination of the Salsomaggiore Terme tectonic window (Northern Apennines foothills, Parma province, Italy)

48-17     Booth 162
Barbero E.*, Marcelli I., Irace A., Festa A., Catanzariti R., Da Prato S., Livio F. & Fioraso G. : From geological map to 3D model: integrating surface and subsurface datasets from Sheet 177 Tortona of the Geological Map of Italy at 1:50.000 scale (CARG Project)

48-18     Booth 163
Canzoneri A.*, Martorana R., Capizzi P., Bonfardeci A. & Favara R. : Characterization of the sedimentary basins in coastal plain sectors through the integration of geological and geophysical data: the case study of the North-Eastern Sicily

48-19     Booth 164
Cortassa V.*, Tesauro M., Gola G. , Galgaro A. & Manzella A. : Geological reconstruction of the Romagna and Ferrara folds area to evaluate its geothermal potential

48-20     Booth 165
Fonzetti R.*, Buttinelli M., Valoroso L., De Gori P. & Chiarabba C. : How high-resolution tomographic imaging can provide new information on fault interaction: the case of the 2009 L’Aquila seismic sequence

48-21     Booth 166
Forzese M.*, Lipparini L., Chiacchieri D. , Cavallaro D. , Firetto Carlino M. , Scarfì L. , Faenza L. & Molinari I. : Regional subsurface 3D model of southern Sicily for potential seismogenic fault characterization and seismic scenarios: the INGV SPIN project

48-22     Booth 167
Iandelli I.*, Marchetti E., Benvenuti M., Coli M. & Maestrelli D. : A first step toward a 3D geological model of Florence area (CARG Programme, Sheet 275): first approach for the reconstruction of the top substrate surface

48-23     Booth 168
Invernizzi C.*, Costa M., Penza G., Teloni S. & Pierantoni P.P. : Seismotectonic characteristics of the 2022/24 Fano seismic sequence (Central Italy)

48-24     Booth 169
Livani M.*, Scrocca D., Gaudiosi I., Mancini M., Cavinato G.P., de Franco R., Caielli G., Vignaroli G., Romi A. & Moscatelli M. : A geology-based 3D velocity model of the Amatrice Basin (Central Italy)

48-25     Booth 170
Manna L.*, Menegoni N., Maino M. & Perotti C. : Early deformations of carbonate platforms driven by differential compaction of the basinal unit: Finite Element Method-based numerical analysis

48-26     Booth 171
Marcelli I.*, Irace A. & Fioraso G. : The subsurface geological map of the Torino metropolitan area (Western Po plain): from 3D model to 2D map export

48-27     Booth 172
Meneghini F.*, Rielli A., Boschi C., Baneschi I., Amabile F., Perondi F., Marroni M. & Pandolfi L. : In search of a geological signature of slow earthquakes: structural and geochemical characterization of crack-seal veins in metasediments from the Alpine accretionary prism

48-28     Booth 173
Morabito C.* & Morsilli M. : The importance of lithofacies mapping: a case study of Eocene base-of-slope deposits of the Apulia Carbonate Platform (Gargano Promontory, Southern Italy)

48-29     Booth 174
Pizzati M.*, Torabi A., Cavozzi C., Iacumin P. & Balsamo F. : Fluid flow patterns inferred from selective cementation in fluvio-deltaic, sandstone-conglomerate bodies, Crotone forearc Basin