S47. Evolution of the Variscan crust

Conveners and Chairpersons: Fabrizio Cocco (Università di Cagliari), Ícaro Fróis Dias da Silva (Università di Lisbona), Salvatore Iaccarino (Università di Torino), Alfredo Idini (Università di Sassari), Stefano Naitza (Università di Cagliari)




Tuesday 3 September 2024 [15.30-17.30]

Aula B

47-1     15.30 - 16.00
[KEYNOTE] Funedda A.* : The Variscan basement of Sardinia: state of the art and open questions

47-2     16.00 - 16.15
Dias da Silva Í.*, Pereira M.F., González Clavijo E., Gama C. & Steel Hart L. : Mississippian gneiss domes and synorogenic basins: keys to understand the Variscan collisional orogen

47-3     16.15 - 16.30
Zanchi A.*, Angiolini L., Beauchamp B., Henderson C. & Snyder W. : Carlin Canyon, a key area for the study of the latest Carboniferous deformation in Nevada (USA)

47-4     16.30 - 16.45
Cardello G.L.*, Amadori C., Rossignol C., Ferrero S., Cogné N., Poujol M., Persano C., Wildman M., Di Nicola L. & Casini L. : New geochronologic and thermochronologic constraints on the Variscan crustal evolution of the Einstein Telescope candidate site of Sardinia (Italy)

47-5     16.45 - 17.00
Russo D.*, Fiannacca P., Fazio E., Cirrincione R. & Mamtani M.A. : An integrated field, microstructural, AMS and EBSD approach to unveil the architecture and construction mechanisms of post-collisional granitoid complexes: evidence from the late Variscan Serre Batholith (Southern Calabria)

47-6     17.00 - 17.15
Attardi A.*, Cocco F., Deidda M.L., Sedda L., Funedda A. & Naitza S. : CRMs prospecting through comparative ore deposit modelling in SW Sardinia

47-7     17.15 - 17.30
Deidda M.L.*, Naitza S., Casini L., Cocco F., Funedda A., Loi A., Oggiano G., Secchi F., Marchesini B. & Beranoaguirre A. : Distinct gold mineralisation events in the Variscan mineral system from southern Sardinia (Italy): implications for crustal sources


Tuesday 3 September 2024

Poster Area

47-8     Booth 156
Carosi R.*, Montomoli C., Iacopini D., Petroccia A., Simonetti M. & Oggiano G. : Geology of the Asinara Island (Sardinia, Italy)

47-9     Booth 157
Pieruccioni D.* & Simonetti M. : Preliminary results from microstructural investigations of post‐collisional granitoid from the Asinara Island (NW Sardinia)

47-10     Booth 158
Cruciani G.*, Dulcetta L., Franceschelli M., Frassi C. & Musumeci G. : Late Variscan age of a metamorphic core complex in the foreland of the Variscan belt:  insights from the Mt. Filau Orthogneiss (SW Sardinia, Italy)

47-11     Booth 159
Petroccia A., Carosi R., Montomoli C., Iaccarino S.*, Forshaw J.B. & Petrelli M. : Constraining the deformation in transpressive shear zones: insights from the Monte Grighini Shear Zone in Sardinia and implications for the Southern European Variscan belt

47-12     Booth 160
Funedda A.*, Cocco F., Forci A., Baraille J., Salaun M., Caria I. & Piredda R. : Preliminary data from fieldwork in the framework of the CARG Project 546-Guspini (SW Sardinia)

47-13     Booth 161
Dore E.*, Cocco F., Ferrero S., Melis M.T., Rossignol C., Biddau R., Buttau C., Dessì F., Calia F., Pani M., Da Pelo S. & Funedda A. : Geological investigations at Einstein Telescope site of Sardinia (Italy): preliminary results

47-14     Booth 162
Caçador I., Dias da Silva Í.* & Pereira MF. : Syn-tectonic plutonism and extensional tectonics in the Variscan orogen: evidence from the Mississippian Reguengos de Monsaraz pluton (Ossa-Morena Zone, SW Iberian Massif)

47-15     Booth 163
Spahić D., Cocco F.* & Tančić P. : Far-field interplay between the intra-Ordovician compressional tectonics along the northeastern Gondwana active margin and Gondwana interior: insights from the central Lybia Ordovician succession

47-16     Booth 164
Spahić D., Radović M., Blagojević D., Tanasković L., Jovanović D., Vuković S. & Cocco F.* : Polyphase deformations and transposition cycles in the “Median Dacides” tectonic units