Wednesday 4 September 2024 [17.30-19.30]
Aula G
17.30 - 17.45
Vigna B.* & Fiorucci A.
: The Bossea Karst Hydrogeology Laboratory
17.45 - 18.00
Onorato M.*, Di Capua I. , Liso I.S., Onorato R., Congedo M., Poto M., Palmisano G., Puglia G., Zini L. & Parise M.
: Palude del Capitano (Apulia, Italy): a natural coastal laboratory to monitor biological diversity and dynamics of karst hydrogeology
18.00 - 18.15
Zini L.*, Calligaris C., Finocchiaro F., Ponton M. & Potleca M.
: A karst area shared between carbonate megabeds and siliciclastic units: the example of Mt. Bernadia (NE Italy)
18.15 - 18.30
Manucci A.*, Cambi C., Fronzi D., Liso I.S., Mazzocca M., Mirabella F., Parise M., Casadei S., Tazioli A. & Valigi D.
: Estimation of recharge to the karst Scirca spring (Central Italy) by using conventional and modified APLIS methods: a comparison
18.30 - 18.45
Tieri M.*, Liso I.S., Parise M., Cardellini C., Chiodini G., Palmisano G., Gambini R., Caliro S. & Santi A.
: Springs water geochemistry in central-southern Albania
18.45 - 19.00
Mostafa M.F.*, Liso I.S. & Parise M.
: Seawater intrusion and coastal karst aquifers in Apulia: status, challenges and future scenarios
19.00 - 19.15
D’Ettorre U.S.*, Liso I.S. & Parise M.
: Desertification risk assessment using the modified MEDALUS model in the Alta Murgia karst plateau (Apulia, Southern Italy)
19.15 - 19.30
Riva A.*, Longanesi G. & Ghirotti M.
: Preliminary insights on hydrogeology of Mount Toc from 3D modeling
Wednesday 4 September 2024
Poster Area
Booth 163
D’Ettorre U.S.*, Liso I.S. & Parise M.
: A global overview of desertification in karstlands
Booth 164
Fregola R.A.*, Liso I.S., Parise M., Lacalamita M., Cardellini C., Tieri M., Caliro S., Palmisano G., Gambini R. & Chiodini G.
: Mineralization of the Kozan-8 thermal well (Kruja Province, central Albania): a mineralogical and water geochemical study
Booth 165
Leone G.*, Esposito L., Ginolfi M. & Fiorillo F.
: Terzaghi’s effective stress principle and hydrological deformation of karst aquifers detected by GNSS and inSAR measurements
Booth 166
Leone G., Jourde H., Ginolfi M.*, Esposito L., Ventafridda G. & Fiorillo F.
: Short- and long-term changes in the discharge of the Caposele karst spring (Southern Apennines, Italy): statistics and modeling to understand their causes
Booth 167
Leone G., Liso I.S., Michele G.*, Esposito L., Parise M. & Fiorillo F.
: Karst hydrology and geomorphology of the Matese and Alburni Massifs, (Southern Italy), focusing on dolines and endorheic areas
Booth 168
Liso I.S.*, D’Ettorre U., Benedetto L., Ladisa V., Lorusso F. & Parise M.
: Open window on water table: examples from Apulia Region
Booth 169
Lorusso F., Liso I.S., Mastronuzzi G. & Parise M.*
: A flank margin cave along the Adriatic side of Apulia, Southern Italy
Booth 170
Mammoliti E.*, Fronzi D., Rapazzetti M., Domizi J. & Tazioli A.
: Integrating fracture analysis and X-ray tomography with permeability tests for rock fracture hydraulic conductivity assessment at laboratory-scale
Booth 171
Mostafa M.F.*, D’Ettorre U.S., Liso I.S. & Parise M.
: On the hydraulic role of dolines
Booth 172
Rinaldi N., Marenghi L., Mittempergher S., Brozzo G., Longoni L., Papini M., Sabattini M., Mainini A. & Ronchetti F.*
: New groundwater chemistry and isotope evidence on the La Spezia karst aquifer (western promontory, Gulf of La Spezia)