S45. Recent advances in karst research, with particular focus on underground waters

Conveners and Chairpersons: Isabella Serena Liso (Università di Bari Aldo Moro), Alberto Riva (Università di Ferrara), Daniela Valigi (Università di Perugia), Alberto Tazioli (Università Politecnica delle Marche), Guido Leone (Università degli Studi del Sannio)




Wednesday 4 September 2024 [17.30-19.30]

Aula G

45-1     17.30 - 17.45
Vigna B.* & Fiorucci A. : The Bossea Karst Hydrogeology Laboratory

45-2     17.45 - 18.00
Onorato M.*, Di Capua I. , Liso I.S., Onorato R., Congedo M., Poto M., Palmisano G., Puglia G., Zini L. & Parise M. : Palude del Capitano (Apulia, Italy): a natural coastal laboratory to monitor biological diversity and dynamics of karst hydrogeology

45-3     18.00 - 18.15
Zini L.*, Calligaris C., Finocchiaro F., Ponton M. & Potleca M. : A karst area shared between carbonate megabeds and siliciclastic units: the example of Mt. Bernadia (NE Italy)

45-4     18.15 - 18.30
Manucci A.*, Cambi C., Fronzi D., Liso I.S., Mazzocca M., Mirabella F., Parise M., Casadei S., Tazioli A. & Valigi D. : Estimation of recharge to the karst Scirca spring (Central Italy) by using conventional and modified APLIS methods: a comparison

45-5     18.30 - 18.45
Tieri M.*, Liso I.S., Parise M., Cardellini C., Chiodini G., Palmisano G., Gambini R., Caliro S. & Santi A. : Springs water geochemistry in central-southern Albania

45-6     18.45 - 19.00
Mostafa M.F.*, Liso I.S. & Parise M. : Seawater intrusion and coastal karst aquifers in Apulia: status, challenges and future scenarios

45-7     19.00 - 19.15
D’Ettorre U.S.*, Liso I.S. & Parise M. : Desertification risk assessment using the modified MEDALUS model in the Alta Murgia karst plateau (Apulia, Southern Italy)

45-8     19.15 - 19.30
Riva A.*, Longanesi G. & Ghirotti M. : Preliminary insights on hydrogeology of Mount Toc from 3D modeling


Wednesday 4 September 2024

Poster Area

45-9     Booth 163
D’Ettorre U.S.*, Liso I.S. & Parise M. : A global overview of desertification in karstlands

45-10     Booth 164
Fregola R.A.*, Liso I.S., Parise M., Lacalamita M., Cardellini C., Tieri M., Caliro S., Palmisano G., Gambini R. & Chiodini G. : Mineralization of the Kozan-8 thermal well (Kruja Province, central Albania): a mineralogical and water geochemical study

45-11     Booth 165
Leone G.*, Esposito L., Ginolfi M. & Fiorillo F. : Terzaghi’s effective stress principle and hydrological deformation of karst aquifers detected by GNSS and inSAR measurements

45-12     Booth 166
Leone G., Jourde H., Ginolfi M.*, Esposito L., Ventafridda G. & Fiorillo F. : Short- and long-term changes in the discharge of the Caposele karst spring (Southern Apennines, Italy): statistics and modeling to understand their causes

45-13     Booth 167
Leone G., Liso I.S., Michele G.*, Esposito L., Parise M. & Fiorillo F. : Karst hydrology and geomorphology of the Matese and Alburni Massifs, (Southern Italy), focusing on dolines and endorheic areas

45-14     Booth 168
Liso I.S.*, D’Ettorre U., Benedetto L., Ladisa V., Lorusso F. & Parise M. : Open window on water table: examples from Apulia Region

45-15     Booth 169
Lorusso F., Liso I.S., Mastronuzzi G. & Parise M.* : A flank margin cave along the Adriatic side of Apulia, Southern Italy

45-16     Booth 170
Mammoliti E.*, Fronzi D., Rapazzetti M., Domizi J. & Tazioli A. : Integrating fracture analysis and X-ray tomography with permeability tests for rock fracture hydraulic conductivity assessment at laboratory-scale 

45-17     Booth 171
Mostafa M.F.*, D’Ettorre U.S., Liso I.S. & Parise M. : On the hydraulic role of dolines

45-18     Booth 172
Rinaldi N., Marenghi L., Mittempergher S., Brozzo G., Longoni L., Papini M., Sabattini M., Mainini A. & Ronchetti F.* : New groundwater chemistry and isotope evidence on the La Spezia karst aquifer (western promontory, Gulf of La Spezia)