S44. New concepts and applications in exploration, sustainable exploitation, storage and modelling of georesources

Conveners and Chairpersons: Mario Anselmi (INGV ), Mattia De Luca (Università degli Studi G. d'Annunzio di Chieti-Pescara), Domenico Liotta (Università di Bari Aldo Moro), David Iacopini (Università di Napoli Federico II), Cristina Pauselli (Università di Perugia), Vittorio Scisciani (Università degli Studi G. d'Annunzio di Chieti-Pescara)




Wednesday 4 September 2024 [08.30-10.30]

Aula G

44-1     08.30 - 08.45
(Invited) Fagiani A., Antoncecchi I.*, Corneli D., Sofia R. & Sterpa S. : National energy policy: a focus on georesources targets at 2050

44-2     08.45 - 09.00
Marchesini B.*, Pozzi G., Collettini C., Carminati E. & Tesei T. : Caprock genesis in hydrothermal systems via alteration-controlled fault weakening and impermeabilization

44-3     09.00 - 09.15
Galione M.R.*, Criscuolo L., Manzella A. & Trumpy E. : Enhancing the Italian geothermal data infrastructure: integrating geothermal data and potential assessment tools 

44-4     09.15 - 09.30
Nanni T.*, Chiozzi P., Miola M., Verdoya M. & Vetuschi Zuccolini M. : Stochastic and thermophysical modelling for geothermal resource assessment: the case of the Po Basin

44-5     09.30 - 09.45
Zucchi M., Brogi A., Liotta D., Fregola R.A., Caggianelli A., Ventruti G., Avanzinelli R. & Ruggieri G.* : Tracing the palaeo-circulation of geothermal fluids in the shallow crust exposed in the eastern Elba Island (Tuscany, Italy)

44-6     09.45 - 10.00
Loreto M.F.* & Exp. 402 Science Party : Sealing potential of the messiniaN SALT from IODP Expedition 402

44-7     10.00 - 10.15
Salvadori M.*, Pennisi M., D’Orazio M. & Dini A. : Potential sources of Li-rich fluids in Northern Apennines (Italy): first results on lithium distribution in pelitic rocks

44-8     10.15 - 10.30
Summino L.*, Giorno M., Barale L., Bertok C., Frenzel M., Gasparrini M. & Martire L. : Gorno and Piani Resinelli: genesis and correlations of two Alpine-type Pb-Zn districts

Wednesday 4 September 2024 [11.00-13.00]

Aula G

44-9     11.00 - 11.15
(Invited) Mattioni L.*, Armitage J., Christ A.-B., Granjeon D., Lemgruber-Traby A., Pujol A. & Bourgeois F. : Why it is important to perform a fully integrated basin-scale modeling of CO2 storage in saline aquifers? Insights from the Paris Basin (France)

44-10     11.15 - 11.30
Maiorana M.*, Rizzo G.F., Todaro S., Gasparo Morticelli M., Agate M. & Sulli A. : Linking an outcrop analogue to a deep potential CO2 storage site with 3D geological model: an example from southwestern Sicily

44-11     11.30 - 11.45
Dinani P. *, Bigi S., Conti A. & Moallemi A. : Carbon sequestration potential of abandoned fractured reservoirs in Northwest Zagros, Iran

44-17     11.45 - 12.00
Chiozzi P., Bonorino L. & Verdoya M.* : Lithosphere heat flow and subsidence of the Tyrrhenian back-arc basin

44-13     12.00 - 12.15
Giorgetti C.*, Scuderi M.M., Bourgeois F., Wibberley C. & Collettini C. : Evolution of hydromechanical coupling from quartz to shale rich faults and implications for fault parallel vs. fault perpendicular permeability 

44-14     12.15 - 12.30
Ridolfi R.M.*, Azzaro S., Beaubien S.E., Da Pra A., Pontiggia M. & Bigi S. : Development of a site-screening method for hydrogen storage purposes and its application to an industrial dataset of Italian reservoirs

44-15     12.30 - 12.45
Morelli A.*, Saccorotti G., Anderlini L., Anselmi M., Braun T., Caciagli M., Carannante S., Errico M., Famiani D., Garcia A., Molinari I., Salimbeni S., Vassallo M., Zaccarelli L. & Zerbinato P. : CMS@INGV: An operational monitoring center for risk mitigation related to anthropic underground operations in italy

44-16     12.45 - 13.00
Romano M.A.*, Bernardi P., Diez E., Franceschinel F., Garbin M., Guidarelli M., Klin P., Laurenzano G., Magrin A., Moratto L., Peruzza L., Pettenati F., Plasencia M., Priolo E., Rebez A., Romanelli M., Sandron D., Santulin M., Saraò A., Tamaro A., Tunini L., Zuliani D., Bonano M., De Luca C., Lanari R. & Zinno I. : Seismic and geodetic monitoring of two underground gas storages in Northern Italy


Wednesday 4 September 2024

Poster Area

44-12     Booth 0
--- Withdrawn --- Pierozzi A.*, Rateau R., Orlando A., Borrini D., Tassi F. & Rodriguez Blanco J.D. : A mineralogical and geochemical approach to evaluate the redox capacity of basaltic glass and crystals via experiments

44-18     Booth 151
De Luca M.*, Mackay E.J., Good T.R., Scisciani V., MacBeth C. & Patruno S. : Geological modelling and CO2 flow simulation: an integrated approach for basin scale storage in a saline aquifer

44-19     Booth 152
Lorenzet R., Corradetti A., Del Ben A., Franceschi M. & Bonini L.* : A potential site to store Hydrogen in the subsurface in Northeast Italy

44-20     Booth 153
Marchesini B.*, Rossetti F., Ruggieri G., Cavallo A., Moretto V., Castorina F., Trippetta F., Aldega L., Novella D., Caracausi A., Billi A. & Carminati E. : Alteration-controlled repeated breakage of hydrothermally altered marly-limestones seals, Fenice-Capanne mining area (Tuscany, Italy)

44-21     Booth 154
Anderlini L.*, Anselmi M., Braun T., Errico M., Garcia A., Morelli A., Pezzo G., Saccorotti G., Serpelloni E. & Zaccarelli L. : What we learned from geodetic monitoring of subsurface industrial activities

44-22     Booth 155
Ruospo D.*, Brogi A., Liotta D., Lucci F. & Zucchi M. : Syn-tectonic emplacement of late-magmatic granitic dyke swarms in the Capo Focardo area (Exhumed geothermal system of eastern Elba island, Italy)

44-23     Booth 156
--- Withdrawn --- Scrocca D.* & Alimonti C. : Assessment of the geothermal conversion potential of depleted hydrocarbon wells in Italy

44-24     Booth 157
Semprebello A.*, Lazzaro G., Caruso C., Scirè Scappuzzo S., Morici S., Gattuso A. & Longo M. : Inverse modelling for estimating gas flow emission rate on stationary vents

44-25     Booth 158
Tommasone M.A.*, Di Domenico G., Bortolotti V., Cruciani G., Chiarella D., Nagmutdinova A. & Frijia G. : Characterization of dual porosity in bioturbated carbonates: A case study of Cenomanian-Turonian platform carbonates from the Southern Apennines (Italy)

44-26     Booth 159
Urso S.* & Viccaro M. : New paradigms for an energetic independence and sustainable development of minor volcanic islands in Sicily: opportunities from the geothermal resources  

44-27     Booth 160
Vespasiano G.*, Floridia G., De Rosa R., Viccaro M., Cacace M., Bloise A., Fuoco I., Muto F., Guido A., Cipriani M., Maruca G. & Apollaro C. : 3D lithospheric thermal model of the Calabria region (Southern Italy): a supporting tool for new exploration campaigns for geothermal resources

44-28     Booth 161
Vidal-Reyes M.*, Tesauro M., Amadori C., Nader F., Marini M., Reguzzi S. & Maino M. : Geothermal potential of the Tertiary Piedmont Basin: structural and lithological controls

44-29     Booth 162
Yakisik O.*, Geloni C., Tamburelli S., Ruggieri G., Orlando A., Borrini D., Gherardi F. & Toscani G. : Laboratory experiments and geochemical models for CO2 mineralization in basalts