S5. Geosciences for Cultural Heritages

Conveners and Chairpersons: Mauro Francesco La Russa (Università della Calabria), Simona Raneri (Università di Firenze), Michele Secco (Università Padova), Maria Verde (Università di Napoli)




Thursday 5 September 2024 [08.30-10.30]

Aula A

5-1     08.30 - 09.00
[KEYNOTE] Torok A.* : Air pollution related deterioration of limestone heritage: an overview

5-2     09.00 - 09.15
Rovella N.*, Cirone M., Belfiore C.M., Török Á., Figoli A. & La Russa M.F. : Inside the stone: new elements for targeted conservation of Sicilian Baroque Monuments

5-3     09.15 - 09.30
Comite V.*, Formenti M., Bergomi A., Lombardi C.A., Borelli M., Morale D., Ugolini S., Fermo P., Cavaterra C., Castellano C. & Della Pina C. : Exploring the role of heavy metals in sulphation processes and black crust formation on outdoor exposed monuments

5-4     09.30 - 09.45
Calia A., Melica D., Pellegrino E. & Quarta G.* : Surface degradation and conservation strategies in the marine environment: the case of the church of S. Salvatore, in Monopoli (Bari)

5-5     09.45 - 10.00
Luconi I.*, Ercoli R. & Paris E. : Artificial weathering and surficial consolidation techniques applied to the ‘Peperino’ from the Alban Hills volcano (Latium, Italy)

5-6     10.00 - 10.15
Macchia A., Diliberto Cascio C., Zicarelli M.A., Alisi C., Catania V., Schillaci D., La Russa M.F. & Ruffolo S.A.* : Evaluating biosurfactants as eco-friendly biocides (TEch4YOU Project)

5-7     10.15 - 10.30
Mastrorilli M.*, De Felice G., Turchiano M. & Eramo G. : The POW camp 65 (Altamura, Southern Italy) as a case study for archeometry and contemporary archaeology

Thursday 5 September 2024 [11.00-13.00]

Aula A

5-8     11.00 - 11.30
(Invited) Eramo G.*, Bertola S., Carletti E., Conati Barbaro C., Conforti J., Ferrero A., Fioretti G., Moscone D., Pizziolo G., Santo A.P., Spalluto L. & Lo Vetro D. : The Openlit Project: a first step for an open access lithotheque of italian knappable rocks

5-9     11.30 - 11.45
Annese C., Bellopede R.*, Intini P.C., Intini P., Lamanna L.M., Marini P., Merico A., Quartulli A. & Sivilli S. : Itria Valley limestone: a multidisciplinary study on the use of the Apulian georesources in the Cultural Heritage

5-10     11.45 - 12.00
Indelicato V.*, Punturo R., Mineo S., Pappalardo G., Lanzafame G., Visalli R. & Cirrincione R. : Multi-analytical characterization of main lithotypes employed in the Val di Noto UNESCO sites (south-eastern Sicily)

5-11     12.00 - 12.15
Conforti J.*, Allegretta I., Muntoni I.M., Delluniversità E., Terzano R., Angeli L. & Eramo G. : Chert supplies in Early Neolithic of Matera area: new data from Giavarra, Murgia Timone and Trasanello

5-12     12.15 - 12.30
Lepore A.*, Arzarello M., Germinario C., Mercurio M. & Grifa C. : Multianalitical study of lithic materials from the prehistorical site of Pirro Nord: preliminary results

5-13     12.30 - 12.45
Rea C.*, Di Fazio M., Mercuri L., Calzolari L., Capriotti S., Mignardi S., Dallai L., Stasolla F.R. & Medeghini L. : Archaeometric investigation of lithic materials from the archaeological site of the Holy Sepulchre (Jerusalem)

5-48     12.45 - 13.00
Ravasi T., Haynes I., Vagnuzzi S., Rispoli C., Randazzo L.* & La Russa M.F. : Assessing construction techniques through minero-petrographic analysis of Roman mortars: insights into Imperial economic investments in building projects

Thursday 5 September 2024 [15.30-17.30]

Aula A

5-15     15.30 - 16.00
(Invited) Maritan L.*, Filippou V., Renson V., Pasqual D., Cattò S., Koutovaki E., Nodarou E., Cantisani E., Dikomitou Eliadou M. & Zomeni Z. : Influence of clay processing on bulk chemistry signature in ancient pottery productions

5-16     16.00 - 16.15
Di Leo P.*, Lubraco G., Corrado G., Ferrara V. & Vita C. : A multidisciplinary approach to understand exploitation of ancient georesources for the matt painted pottery production from Basilicata: technology and provenance in the north-Lucanian district

5-17     16.15 - 16.30
Eramo G., Tema E. & Muntoni I.M.* : Archaometric study of two Hellenistic pottery kilns in Ascoli Satriano (FG): a combined minero-petrographic and archaeomagnetic approach

5-18     16.30 - 16.45
Mascaro M.E.*, Auriemma R., Mazzoli C. & Maritan L. : Investigating post-depositional alterations in underwater ceramics. The case of the archaeological site of Torre Santa Sabina (south-eastern italy)

5-19     16.45 - 17.00
Morabito G.*, Gatta G.D., Marinoni N., Colombo C., Catrambone M., Botto M. & Pedrazzi T. : Investigating the past: a multi-analytical approach for the analysis of Phoenician pottery from the archaeological site of Pani Loriga

5-20     17.00 - 17.15
Scanu M.*, Capaldi C., Ciotola A., D’Uva F., Morra V., Verde M. & De Bonis A. : African amphorae from Cumae: archaeometric study for provenance and technological features

5-21     17.15 - 17.30
Bruzzone L.*, Gaggero L., Zucchiatti A. & Molera J. : Evaluating erythrite as a potential source for arsenic-free cobalt blue pigment production: replication of historical recipes and thermal treatments

Thursday 5 September 2024 [17.30-19.30]

Aula A

5-22     17.30 - 17.45
Verde M., De Bonis A., Di Benedetto C.*, Izzo F. , Picone R. & Morra V. : Arianna’s Palette: a diagnostic study of the painting walls of the house of Arianna in Pompeii

5-23     17.45 - 18.00
Eroğlu M.*, Barba L., Crisci G.M., Cura M., De Luca R., Kadıoğlu Y.K., Pecci A., Taranto M. & Miriello D. : Provenance of the raw materials used in the mortars and bricks take from Hagia Sophia (Istanbul, Turkey): preliminary results

5-24     18.00 - 18.15
Franceschini M.M.N.*, Calandra S., Vettori S., Ismaelli T., Scardozzi G., Caggia M.P. & Cantisani E. : Mortars in the archaeological site of Hierapolis of Phrygia (Denizli, Turkey) from Imperial to Byzantine age

5-25     18.15 - 18.30
Mancini S.*, Dino G.A., Tazzini A. & Gambino F. : The Mg/Ca ratio in mortars used in ancient rural buildings in the north-Eastern Piedmont plain: a methodology to support archaeological studies

5-26     18.30 - 18.45
Menta S.*, Stroscio A., Mazzoleni P. & Belfiore C.M. : Reproduction of ancient lime mortars from the Baroque built heritage of Catania (Sicily): an experimental study

5-27     18.45 - 19.00
Occhipinti R.*, Belfiore C. M., Fugazzotto M., Barone G. & Mazzoleni P. : The mortars as a marker of the evolution over time of materials and construction techniques in the Benedictine Monastery of Catania

5-28     19.00 - 19.15
Pagano S.*, Germinario C., Giorgi E., Mercurio M. & Grifa C. : Preliminary diagnostic analyses of the wall painting materials of the Vignale’s villa (Tuscany region, central Italy)

5-29     19.15 - 19.30
Spadavecchia S.*, Cappelletti P., Rispoli C., Montesano G. & Cesarano M. : Mineralogical and technological characterization of pozzolan mortars from the Brick Amphitheater in Nola (NA)


Thursday 5 September 2024

Poster Area

5-14     Booth 27
Gadaleta E.*, Acquafredda P., De Giorgi M., Eramo G., Neri E., Scandale E. & Tempesta G. : Natural and artificial glass in the floor mosaic of Otranto Cathedral (Apulia, Southern Italy)

5-30     Booth 9
La Russa M.*, Ricca M., Barbieri L., Bruno F., Baika K., Raxis P., Silion M., Nunes C., Padovan R. & Ferreira F. : Bridging gaps in blue expertise through a triple transition training model for the UCH field: new challenges in uBlueTec project

5-31     Booth 10
Ricca M.*, La Russa M., Lagudi A., Bruno F., Chronakis A., Davidde B., Emde B., Kyprouli V., Krebs P., Krinidis S., Manglis A., Michailidis T. I., Mizaikoff B., Podvorica L., Perasso Sacco C., Rajpal S., Rieck M., Tamburrino S. & Kotsidis E. : Advancing in underwater cultural heritage monitoring: the case of NERITES Project

5-32     Booth 11
Ricca M., La Russa M.F., Sfravara F., Catania V., Montana G. & Randazzo L.* : SOUTH - Safeguard Of sUbmerged culTural Heritage: project presentation

5-33     Booth 12
Pantuso A.*, Apollaro C., Fuoco I., La Russa M.F. & Ricca M. : New application prospectives of reaction path modelling for the conservation of cultural heritage: preliminary presentation of a novel research project

5-34     Booth 13
Santarsiere C.*, Palladino G. & Bentivenga M. : The “Cantine di Sant'Angelo Le Fratte” geosite and the historical-cultural heritage used as a growth driver for an inland area of Basilicata

5-35     Booth 14
Krizova B.*, Zini L., Calligaris C., Busetti A., Corradetti A., Černok A., Consorti L., Bensi S., Piano C. & Franceschi M. : Kras-Carso II Interreg European project. Multidisciplinary research towards promoting the geological heritage of the Classical Karst

5-36     Booth 15
Bruzzone L.*, Gaggero L. & Pallecchi S. : Reconstructing Pompeii's past: insights from fossilized archaeological remains in reused amphorae from Civic Building 3, Via dell’Abbondanza

5-37     Booth 16
Capriotti S.*, Mignardi S., Stasolla F.R., Scardapane S. & Medeghini L. : Deep Learning as new approach for the classification of Holy Sepulchre ceramics

5-38     Booth 17
Franceschini M.*, Cantisani E., Vettori S., Chelazzi L., Di Benedetto F. & Ismaelli T. : Further insight into the provenancing of terracottas from the Athenaion in Castro (Apulia, Italy)

5-39     Booth 18
Lo Riso M., Buccione R., Rizzo G.*, De Bonis A. & Teghil R. : Preliminary results of the petrographic and mineralogical study of the Oenotria ceramic artifact (Southern Italy)

5-40     Booth 19
d’Aniello F., Germinario C., Izzo F., Pagano S., Scanu M.*, Sernicola L., Verde M. & De Bonis A. : De-faience. Unveiling ancient craftsmanship: egyptian faience technique in Early Ethiopian beads

5-41     Booth 20
Cantisani E., Cappuccini L., Gaucci A., Legnaioli S., Mangani S.M.E.*, Menchelli S., Rosselli L. & Volpe L. : APENNINESCAPE: a transdisciplinary approach to investigate the relationship between settlement dynamics and material exploitation in the northern Apennines during the 1st millennium BC. Preliminary archaeometric results

5-42     Booth 21
Balassone G.*, Serritella A., Rizzo M.L., De Bonis A., Valente E. & Boni P. : Archaeometric investigations on iron slags from the metallurgical workshop of Caselle in Pittari settlement (Campania region, southern Italy): a first look

5-43     Booth 22
Calzolari L.*, Fernandez-Martinez A., Magnin V., Medeghini L. & Mignardi S. : Ancient Roman mortars under synchrotron light: unravelling the nature of disordered phases

5-44     Booth 23
Di Benedetto C.*, Graziano S.F., Naso A. & Rispoli C. : The Etruscan necropolis of Sasso Pinzuto (Tuscania, VT): preliminary mineralogical characterization of geomaterials

5-45     Booth 24
Dimuccio L.A., Micheletti F., Amaral D.*, Vicente S., Mendes A.L., Simões F., Duarte M. & Acquafredda P. : Provenance analysis of stone tesserae and mortars used in the mosaic pavements of São Simão Roman Villa (Penela, central Portugal): preliminary data

5-46     Booth 25
Lezzerini M.*, Aquino A. & Pagnotta S. : Lime mortar production: the case of Panchina calcarenite from Tyrrhenian coast

5-47     Booth 26
Muntoni I. M.*, Eramo G., Ruggiero G. & Clemens L. : Sand slaking in the lime mortars of Tertiveri (Foggia, 12th-15th century)

5-49     Booth 28
Rea C., Bastida Armesto M., Calzolari L., Di Fazio M., Capriotti S., Mignardi S., Stasolla F.R. & Medeghini L.* : Statistical analysis of IR spectra of mortar for studying the relationship between building phases

5-50     Booth 29
Valdrè G.*, Grillini G.C., Moro D. & Ulian G. : Finishes in architectural elements: “Domus Pasolini” of Faenza

5-51     Booth 30
Collina C., D’Aniello M., Izzo F.*, Langella A., Repola L. & Donadio C. : Geomineralogical and geoarchaeological findings in Roccia San Sebastiano cave at Mondragone, central Italy