S40. Source-to-sink processes and genesis of resources in sedimentary deposits: advances in understanding of geologic and environmental dynamics through a multidisciplinary perspective

Conveners and Chairpersons: Francesca Micheletti (Università di Bari Aldo Moro), Anna Chiara Tangari (Università G.d'Annunzio di Chieti-Pescara), Sara Criniti (Università della Calabria), Emilia Le Pera (Università della Calabria), Fabio Matano (CNR Napoli), Massimo Moretti (Università di Bari Aldo Moro)




Tuesday 3 September 2024 [15.30-17.30]

Aula C

40-1     15.30 - 15.45
[KEYNOTE] Alvisi F.* : The disappearance of sand: just a false alarm or a global emergency?

40-2     15.45 - 16.00
(Invited) Scarciglia F.* : Weathering and erosion rates at different timescales in a granitic area of the Mediterranean (Sila Massif, Calabria, southern Italy): an overview on recent advances

40-3     16.00 - 16.15
Le Pera E.*, Dutta A. & Riber L. : (Paleo)weathering or diagenesis as the principal control factor of sand(stone) framework grains dissolution?

40-4     16.15 - 16.30
Pavano F.*, Pazzaglia F.J., Barnes L., Rittenour T.M., Catalano S., Corbett L.B. & Bierman P. : Tectonic forcing encoding in the geomorphic and stratigraphic records of a tight source-to-sink system (Northeastern Sicily, Italy)

40-5     16.30 - 16.45
Criniti S.* & Martín-Martín M. : Detrital modes of the Culm facies in the Betic-Rifean chain

40-6     16.45 - 17.00
Civitelli M.*, Critelli S. & Ingersoll R.V. : Diagenetic and hydrothermal changes in submarine quartzofeldspathic turbidite sandstones of the Butano Sandstone, central California, USA

40-7     17.00 - 17.15
Pugliese E.*, Tangari A.C. & Le Pera E. : Heavy Minerals analysis of fluvial sand in the Crati River (Northern Calabria)

40-8     17.15 - 17.30
Amato V., Ebrahimi P., Matano F.*, Mattera R. & Scepi G. : Using a large dataset of field-based measurements to statistically estimate thickness of fallout pyroclastic deposits in the peri-volcanic areas of Campania region, southern Italy


Tuesday 3 September 2024

Poster Area

40-9     Booth 129
Tangari A.C.*, Le Pera E., Andò S., Garzanti E., Piluso E., Marinangeli L. & Scarciglia F. : Weathering processes and soil formation in Sila Massif and Catena Costiera (Calabria,southern Italy): Insight from heavy minerals

40-10     Booth 130
De Cesare P.* & Scarciglia F. : Integrated study of erosion rates using cosmogenic and fallout radionuclides (10Be and 239+240Pu) in a pilot stream catchment of Calabria, southern Italy

40-11     Booth 131
Andò S.*, Barbarano M., Caruso P., Gambarotta O., Garzanti E., Limonta M., Malusà M., Paglia S., Pastore G., Resentini A. & Vezzoli G. : From the micro to the macro-scale: the contribution of the “Provenance Centre” (Unimib) in the study of sedimentary archives

40-12     Booth 132
Gallicchio S.*, Fornelli A., Maiorano P., Fanelli G. & Micheletti F. : Late Paleogene syn-sedimentary volcaniclastic deep-sea succession of the Candela Gorges (Southern Italy). New constrains for the evolution of the Southern Apennines

40-13     Booth 133
Criniti S.* & Costamagna L.G. : Detrital modes of the Pennsylvanian-Permian sandstones in Central-Eastern Sardinia (Italy)

40-14     Booth 134
Fornelli A.*, Micheletti F., Acquafredda P. & Mangone A. : Crystallization of Mn-hydroxides for interaction between limestones and clay minerals in the Apulian karst (southern Italy)

40-15     Booth 135
Dimuccio L.A.*, Pratas J., Ribeiro J., Rodrigues N., Cunha L., Micheletti F. & Acquafredda P. : Integrated paleoenvironmental multi-proxy analysis of Late Quaternary fluvial sediments in the Côa Valley (northeast Portugal)

40-16     Booth 136
de Luca A.*, Lisco S., Fracchiolla T., D’Abbicco V., Trani R., Ravisato M., Lazic T. & Moretti M. : Sedimentological features of sandy sediments trapped in Sabellarian Bioconstructions along the Apulian Coastline (Southern Italy)

40-17     Booth 137
Kairouani H., Micheletti F.*, Borrelli M., Perri E., Zaghloul M.N. & Fornelli A. : Early Jurassic phosphatic sandstones (External Rif, Northern Morocco): evidence of mineralogical and biogeochemical processes related to the Early Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event

40-18     Booth 138
Kairouani H., Abbassi A., Zaghloul M.N., El Mourabet M., Fornelli A., Mongelli G., Critelli S. & Micheletti F.* : The Jurassic climate change in the northwest Gondwana (External Rif, Morocco): A probable control of successive mega-monsoons through the African Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone