S36. Challenges in the characterization of active faults: the contribution from seismology, geodesy, and structural analysis

Conveners and Chairpersons: Maria Grazia Ciaccio (INGV),Lorenzo Petracchini (CNR), Laura Scognamiglio (INGV), Marco Cuffaro (CNR), Francesco Iezzi (Università di Napoli), Andrea Brogi (Università di Bari)




Tuesday 3 September 2024 [08.30-10.30]

Aula B

36-1     08.30 - 08.45
Bacchiani A.*, Ferranti L., Iezzi F. & Pavano F. : Structural setting and tectonic evolution of the Central Matese Fault System, Southern Apennines: preliminary observations

36-2     08.45 - 09.00
Mowbray V.*, Sue C., Beauval C., Lemoine A., Mathey M. & Baize S. : Integrating geophysical, structural and tectonic data in a probabilistic seismic hazard assessment (PSHA) for the South- East of France

36-3     09.00 - 09.15
Puliti I., Pizzi A.*, Gori S., Falcucci E., Galadini F., Moro M. & Saroli M. : Paleoseismological evidence of multiple, large magnitude earthquake surface ruptures on the active Mt. Morrone normal fault, central Apennines, Italy 

36-4     09.15 - 09.30
Bonini S.*, Asti R., Viola G., Tartaglia G., Rodani S., Benedetti G. & Vignaroli G. : Addressing fault structural complexity and geometric interference in seismic hazard assessment for railways design

36-5     09.30 - 09.45
Riva F.*, Marzorati S., Agostinetti N.P., Latorre D., Chiaraluce L. & Barchi M.R. : Integration of active and passive seismic data to investigate the relationships between seismicity and geological structures at the hanging-wall of the alto Tiberina fault (Northern Apennines of Italy)

36-6     09.45 - 10.00
Rossi F.*, Pucci S., Volpe G. & Collettini C. : The role of structural complexity in seismicity distribution: L'Aquila 2009 seismic sequence (Central Apennines, Italy)

36-7     10.00 - 10.15
Fonzetti R.*, Valoroso L., De Gori P., Govoni A. & Chiarabba C. : ML vs semi-automatic seismic catalogs: a new catalog for the L’Aquila 2009 earthquake sequence

36-8     10.15 - 10.30
Mele G.*, Battelli P., Castello B., Carluccio I., Ciaccio M.G., Della Bina E., Lauciani V., Di Stefano R., Nardi A., Maniscalco M., Marchetti A., Latorre D. & BSI Working Group : The new website of the Italian Seismic Bulletin (BSI): architecture and content

Tuesday 3 September 2024 [11.00-13.00]

Aula B

36-9     11.00 - 11.30
(Invited) Doglioni C.* : Fault activation energy

36-11     11.30 - 11.45
Giuffrida S.*, Anderlini L., Carnemolla F., Brighenti F., De Guidi G., Cannavò F., Graham S. & Monaco C. : Interseismic coupling degree along the Serre and Cittanova faults in Southern Calabria, (Italy): new constraints from geodetic data observations

36-12     11.45 - 12.00
Iezzi F.*, Bacchiani A., Ferranti L., Pavano F., Di Paola C., Pagliara F., Boni P. & Di Maio R. : Detailed geological and geophysical investigation of a segment of a major active normal fault: the Northern Matese Fault System

36-13     12.00 - 12.30
(Invited) Muluneh A.*, Brune S., Pagli C., La Rosa A., Keir D., Neuharth D. & Corti G. : Time-dependent rift connection between the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden rifts in central Afar

36-14     12.30 - 12.45
Madarieta-Txurruka A.*, Galindo-Zaldívar J., Pietrolungo F., Sparacino F., Ercilla G. & Palano M. : New geodetic 3D velocity field of Iberia and adjacent mountain ranges

36-15     12.45 - 13.00
Occhipinti M.*, Lanari R., Carboni F. & Porreca M. : DInSAR coseismic surface deformation of the 2023 Mw 6.8 Al Haouz earthquake(High Atlas Mountains, Morocco)


Tuesday 3 September 2024

Poster Area

36-10     Booth 168
Ferranti L.*, Bacchiani A., Brighenti F., Carnemolla F., De Guidi G., Giuffrida S., Iezzi F. & Palano M. : Geodetic velocity constraints on fault strain accumulation in southern Italy

36-16     Booth 122
Cardello G.L., Barreca G. , Monaco C.*, De Michele M. & Antonioli F. : First comparison of instrumental European Ground Motion Service by Copernicus Data with short and long-term geological vertical movements for the Italian Coasts

36-17     Booth 123
Esposito A., Pietrolungo F.*, Pezzo G., Govoni A., Soldati G., Inannarelli M., Terribili A., Chiarabba C. & Palano M. : The continuous GNSS network of Salina Island in the framework of CAVEAT project

36-18     Booth 124
Palano M.*, Billi A., Conti A., Cuffaro M., Orecchio B., Presti D., Scolaro S., Sparacino F. & Totaro C. : Geodetic and seismological constraints for the intra-orogenic normal Lakes Fault (Sila, Calabria, southern Italy)

36-19     Booth 125
Palano M.*, Parrino N., Madarieta-Txurruka A., Pietrolungo F., Sparacino F. & Sulli A. : Crustal deformation along the Dead Sea fault system

36-20     Booth 126
Perrucci F.* & de Lorenzo S. : A method for the determination of the orientation of fault plane from the analysis of seismograms in the time domain

36-21     Booth 127
Sparacino F.*, Galuzzi B.G., Palano M. & Azzaro R. : Analysis of the Seismic Coupling Coefficient for Italy: first results

36-22     Booth 128
Tavani S.*, Petracchini L., Billi A., Carminati E., Chiarabba C., Conti A., Devoti R., Palano M., Pezzo G., Scognamiglio L. & Tinti E. : Unraveling the dynamics of the active frontal sector of the Northern Apennine thrust belt: a multidisciplinary investigation following the 2022 Mw 5.5 Adriatic earthquake