S34. A petrologic journey through the lithosphere

Conveners and Chairpersons: Roberto Braga (Università di Bologna), Micol Bussolesi (Università di Milano-Bicocca), Federico Casetta (Università di Vienna), Giulia Marras (Università di Roma La Sapienza), Alessandra Montanini (Università di Parma), Arianna Secchiari (Università di Milano)




Thursday 5 September 2024 [08.30-10.30]

Aula E

34-1     08.30 - 08.45
(Invited) Guarino V.*, Bonazzi M., Nimis P., Guitarrari Azzone R., Cariddi B. & Zanetti A. : Subcontinental lithospheric mantle stratigraphy in the SW margin of São Francisco Craton: insights from xenocrysts and xenoliths trapped in the Três Ranchos kimberlite (APIP, Brazil)

34-2     08.45 - 09.00
Malaspina N.*, Langenhorst F., Pollok K., Cerantola V., Murri M., Longa C., Bersani D. & Montanini A. : The redox state of heterogeneous mantle: clues from C-S-bearing clinopyroxenites

34-3     09.00 - 09.15
(Invited) Ziberna L.*, Beltrame M., De Min A., McCammon C., Masotta M., Del Rio M., Narduzzi F., Černok A., Terranova K. & Venier M. : The continental Moho from a geobarometric perspective

34-4     09.15 - 09.30
Del Rio M.*, Corradetti A., Černok A., Narduzzi F., Venier M. & Ziberna L. : Petrographic and structural study of a lower crustal mafic-ultramafic sequence from the Sesia Valley (Ivrea-Verbano zone, Italy)

34-5     09.30 - 09.45
Bonadiman C.*, Bianchini G., Braga R., Tagliacollo L. & Tassinari R. : Geochemical and petrological study of eastern limb of Rustenburg Layered Suit (Bushveld mafic complex)

34-6     09.45 - 10.00
Innocenzi F., Martino L., Ronca S., Agostini S. & Lustrino M.* : Carbonatitic and related alkaline to ultralkaline melts in the Quaternary Eifel Volcanic Province, Germany

34-7     10.00 - 10.15
Poli S.* & Melluso L. : The origin of melilitites: an experimental study

34-8     10.15 - 10.30
Tumiati S.*, Faucher G., Monzillo A., Ferrari E., Toffolo L., Erba E. & Poli S. : Investigating isotopic signatures of CO2 produced by coccolithophore algae in subduction zones: experimental insights and modeling approach

Thursday 5 September 2024 [11.00-13.00]

Aula E

34-9     11.00 - 11.30
[KEYNOTE] Spiess R.*, Festa V. & Tursi F. : When modern petrology meets advanced microstructural analysis

34-10     11.30 - 11.45
Tursi F.*, Godard G., Braga R. & Piluso E. : It’s getting hot, depleted, dense and dry: evolution of garnet-sillimanite restites from Catena Costiera (northern Calabria, Italy)

34-11     11.45 - 12.00
Groppo C.*, Ferrando S., Tursi F. & Rolfo F. : Serendipity-driven discovery of a new UHP slice in the southern Dora-Maira Massif

34-12     12.00 - 12.15
Nerone S.*, Lanari P., Forshaw J.B., Groppo C. & Rolfo F. : Quantitative isopleth thermobarometry for determination of optimal P–T conditions from Perple_X models

34-13     12.15 - 12.30
Petroccia A.*, Caso F., Nerone S., Maffeis A., Corno A. & Zucali M. : 2D vs. 3D rock investigation comparison and possible influences for thermodynamic modelling estimates

34-14     12.30 - 12.45
(Invited) Soltanmohammadi A.*, Rabinowicz M. & Fontaine JF. : From cold to hot mantle: exploring new concepts for migration of alkaline melts and perspective on critical minerals

34-15     12.45 - 13.00
Tagliacollo L.*, Bonadiman C., Saccani E., Bianchini G., Brombin V. & Tassinari R. : Potential mineral resources in historically dismissed volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits of the Emilia Romagna region (Italy): petrological and geochemical study for Critical Raw Materials (CRMs) exploration and exploitation

Thursday 5 September 2024 [15.30-17.30]

Aula E

34-16     15.30 - 15.45
Bussolesi M.*, Grieco G., Cavallo A. & Sinojmeri A. : Variability in Platinum Group Elements enrichments in supra- and sub-Moho ophiolite chromitites: case studies from the Dinarides-Hellenides belt

34-17     15.45 - 16.00
Grieco G.*, Bussolesi M., Comboni D. & Gjoca G. : Tests for implementing ophiolitic chromite concentrates from Albania mines to chromite foundry sands quality parameters

34-18     16.00 - 16.15
Freitas V.A.*, Montanini A., Etiope G., Segadelli S., Artoni A. & Moretti I. : Exploration of natural hydrogen in the Northern Apennines, Italy

34-19     16.15 - 16.30
Scarani S.*, Sanfilippo A., Basch V., Genske F. & Stracke A. : Compositional variability of the oceanic crust as a function of spreading rates: insights from the ultra-slow spreading Gakkel Ridge (Arctic Ocean)

34-20     16.30 - 16.45
Brunelli D.*, Cipriani A., Verhoest L., Michailow M., Hemond C., Maia M. & Soltanmohammadi A. : Alkaline MORBs mark low-T domains along Mid Ocean Ridges

34-21     16.45 - 17.00
Crotti C.F.*, Borghini G., Fumagalli P., Tiepolo M., Rampone E. & Stephan K. : MORB melt - harzburgite interaction at 1-2 GPA: experimental constraints on oceanic mantle refertilization

34-22     17.00 - 17.15
Battifora C.*, Ferrando C., Crispini L. & Rampone E. : Reactive melt percolation in spinel mantle harzburgites from the Wadi Tayin Massif (Oman ophiolite)

34-23     17.15 - 17.30
Montanini A.*, Cluzel D., Secchiari A., Ferrari E., Heizler M., Jourdan F., Meffre S., Zhou R. & Teyssier C. : New geochemical and age constraints on forearc intrusive rocks from the New Caledonia ophiolite (SW Pacific): diversity of melts  generated at hot subduction inception


Thursday 5 September 2024

Poster Area

34-24     Booth 116
Borghini G.*, Crotti C.F. & Fumagalli P. : Pyroxenite generation via high-pressure crystallization of a MORB-type basalt: an experimental study at 1-2.5 GPa

34-25     Booth 117
Dini A.*, Rielli A., Di Giuseppe P., Ruggieri G. & Boschi C. : The Se-Te-bearing VMS deposits of Tuscan ophiolites

34-26     Booth 118
Iaccarino S.*, Montomoli C., Pippo E., Carosi R., Cottle J. & Lanari P. : HT-LP extensional shear zones in the GHS (E Nepal): preliminary data on P-T-D conditions and timing

34-27     Booth 119
Maroni A.*, Miccoli A., Balestro G., Groppo C. & Castelli D. : The Monte Pagliano Unit in the southern Dora-Maira Massif (Western Alps): a preliminary petrologic study

34-28     Booth 120
Marras G.* & Stagno V. : Chemistry of sulfides in the Earth’s mantle: insights from magmas, mantle xenoliths and inclusions in diamonds

34-29     Booth 121
Nerone S.*, Groppo C., Ágreda-López M., Petrelli M. & Rolfo F. : Kyanite trace element zoning as a method for unravelling migmatite petrological evolution

34-30     Booth 122
Secchiari A.*, Toffolo L. & Tumiati S. : Quantitative analysis of sulfur volatile species generated from HP-HT experiments: a novel approach

34-31     Booth 123
Soltanmohammadi A.*, Bedard J.H. & Hinchey A. : Sulfide mineralization in the Lower Crust of the Bay of Islands Ophiolite, Canada

34-32     Booth 124
Terranova K.G.*, Narduzzi F., Venier M., Del Rio M., Černok A. & Ziberna L. : Exploring a garnet-bearing pegmatoid pyroxenite in the Ivrea Verbano Zone (northwestern Italy): petrography and phase equilibrium modelling

34-33     Booth 125
Wafik A., Visalli R.*, Punturo R., Conte A.M., Guglietta D., Ben Massoude M., El Aouad N., Mabika N.N. & Cirrincione R. : Neoproterozoic serpentinites from the Bou Azzer ophiolite (Central Anti-Atlas – Morocco): exploring the geodynamic changes and mantle processes beneath the boundaries of the West African Craton

34-34     Booth 126
Casetta F.*, Aulbach S., Faccincani L., Ashchepkov I., Abart R. & Ntaflos T. : Using olivine trace elements content as a tool to reconstruct the chemical log of the sub-cratonic lithospheric mantle and the evolution of kimberlite melts