S31. The art of Geosciences communication

Conveners and Chairpersons: Valeria Giampaolo (CNR), Ortensia Amoroso (Università degli Studi di Salerno), Rosa Coluzzi (CNR), Giacomo Eramo (Università di Bari Aldo Moro), Marco Romano (Sapienza, Università di Roma), Anna Giamborino (APPI, Associazione Paleontologica e Paleoartisca Italiana)




Thursday 5 September 2024 [08.30-10.30]

Aula N

31-1     08.30 - 09.00
[KEYNOTE] Bonadonna D.* : Depicting the unknown

31-2     09.00 - 09.15
Bindellini G.*, Manucci F. & Romano M. : From bones to bulk: a 3D volumetric approach to estimating theropod dinosaur body mass

31-3     09.15 - 09.30
Argentieri A.* & Tortonesi E. : The world in 2D: Alfonso Di Pasquale, between paintings and geological maps

31-4     09.30 - 09.45
Maganuco S.*, Ambrogi L., Capuccella E., Figus C. & Gambini I. : Echoes of extinction: how an exhibition can unveil the lost world of dinosaurs through science and art

31-5     09.45 - 10.00
Giamborino A.*, Petti F.M., Innamorati G. & Zuccari A. : The Time Machine Project – a travel into Deep Time

31-6     10.00 - 10.15
Mazzini I.* & CNR ECORD-IODP and ICDP commission : How do comics help to learn about marine geology?

31-7     10.15 - 10.30
De Caterini G.*, Argentieri A., Delfini C., Galetto G. & Monaco V. : "The Fountain of the Four Rivers" (Rome, Piazza Navona) as a representation of the sense of wonder in Baroque art and science

Thursday 5 September 2024 [11.00-13.00]

Aula N

31-8     11.00 - 11.30
(Invited) De Novellis V.*, Ascione V., Somma R. & Zoccola M. : Science and Art in the dissemination of volcanic risk

31-9     11.30 - 11.45
Amoroso O.*, Gargiulo M.V., Napolitano F., Russo R. & Capuano P. : An educational escape room experience for teaching younger generations about seismic risk

31-10     11.45 - 12.00
Erba E.*, Mariani L. & Poli S. : Geoscience communication through videos

31-11     12.00 - 12.15
Cannone E.*, Manzella A., Galione M.R. & Criscuolo L. : Challenges and strategies in geothermal communication

31-12     12.15 - 12.30
Lupi C.*, Marchini A., Brioschi S.A., Crenca E., Gazzola F. & Innocenti Malini G. : “Can You Sea?”: an aerial and acrobatic performance to involve people in marine bio-geoscience researches

31-13     12.30 - 12.45
Monno A.*, Iurilli V. & Eramo G. : Earth Sciences in the Divine Comedy: a hidden story

31-14     12.45 - 13.00
Eramo G., De Tullio M.*, Monno A. & Mesto E. : Ever played a phase diagram? Thermodynamic graphs as musical scores for educational live performance


Thursday 5 September 2024

Poster Area

31-15     Booth 83
Alberghina M.F.*, Ricca M., Ruffolo S.A. & La Russa M.F. : The valorisation of Cultural Heritage and the archaeometric studies as effective tools for disseminating scientific culture: the experience of the ADELE-RS project

31-16     Booth 84
Argentieri A., De Caterini G., De Ritis R.*, Romano M. & Rotella G. : Science in the Riviera dei Fiori: ‘traces elements’ of geology in Italo Calvino’s literary output

31-17     Booth 85
Campo V.*, Antonietti D., Attanasio A., Coiro A. & Congi M.P. : GeoSciences IR: 'Thematic geological content disseminat*ion' web system to support users

31-18     Booth 86
Colizza E.*, Geniram A., Protopsalti I. & Salvi G. : The National Antarctic Museum-Section of Trieste: integrated educational approaches for understanding environmental and climate changes

31-19     Booth 87
Coluzzi R.*, Imbrenda V. & Fanti L. : Satellites, or the Big Eye at the time of the Anthropocene: remote sensing for capturing landscape changes

31-20     Booth 88
Eramo G., Monno A., Tempesta G., Mesto E. & De Tullio M.* : Gem Session: aural logos of gemstones by sonification

31-21     Booth 89
Facchino E., Mazzei S., Locchi L. & Giamborino A.* : The Italian Paleoart Award

31-22     Booth 90
Giampaolo V.*, Calamita G., Corbo D., Fanti L. & Imbrenda V. : Land degradation: an unconventional tale

31-23     Booth 91
Pioggia M.* & Sardella R. : SIGN ME IN - accessibility and usability of MUST (University Museum of Earth Sciences) explanatory panels for deaf visitors: an analysis

31-24     Booth 92
Troco E., Manucci F., Maganuco S.* & Ambasciano L. : Through the pages of the ages: conveying the unfathomable depth of time in an illustrated book

31-25     Booth 93
Zuccari C.*, Artegiani F., Fagioli G., Tancredi S. & Romano M. : From 'Gerusalemme Liberata' to Dante's Divina Commedia: the seismogenic hypothesis of earthquakes linked to underground winds