Thursday 5 September 2024 [08.30-10.30]
Aula N
08.30 - 09.00
[KEYNOTE] Bonadonna D.*
: Depicting the unknown
09.00 - 09.15
Bindellini G.*, Manucci F. & Romano M.
: From bones to bulk: a 3D volumetric approach to estimating theropod dinosaur body mass
09.15 - 09.30
Argentieri A.* & Tortonesi E.
: The world in 2D: Alfonso Di Pasquale, between paintings and geological maps
09.30 - 09.45
Maganuco S.*, Ambrogi L., Capuccella E., Figus C. & Gambini I.
: Echoes of extinction: how an exhibition can unveil the lost world of dinosaurs through science and art
09.45 - 10.00
Giamborino A.*, Petti F.M., Innamorati G. & Zuccari A.
: The Time Machine Project – a travel into Deep Time
10.00 - 10.15
Mazzini I.* & CNR ECORD-IODP and ICDP commission
: How do comics help to learn about marine geology?
10.15 - 10.30
De Caterini G.*, Argentieri A., Delfini C., Galetto G. & Monaco V.
: "The Fountain of the Four Rivers" (Rome, Piazza Navona) as a representation of the sense of wonder in Baroque art and science
Thursday 5 September 2024 [11.00-13.00]
Aula N
11.00 - 11.30
(Invited) De Novellis V.*, Ascione V., Somma R. & Zoccola M.
: Science and Art in the dissemination of volcanic risk
11.30 - 11.45
Amoroso O.*, Gargiulo M.V., Napolitano F., Russo R. & Capuano P.
: An educational escape room experience for teaching younger generations about seismic risk
11.45 - 12.00
Erba E.*, Mariani L. & Poli S.
: Geoscience communication through videos
12.00 - 12.15
Cannone E.*, Manzella A., Galione M.R. & Criscuolo L.
: Challenges and strategies in geothermal communication
12.15 - 12.30
Lupi C.*
, Marchini A.
, Brioschi S.A.
, Crenca E.
, Gazzola F.
& Innocenti Malini G.
: “Can You Sea?”: an aerial and acrobatic performance to involve people in marine bio-geoscience researches
12.30 - 12.45
Monno A.*, Iurilli V. & Eramo G.
: Earth Sciences in the Divine Comedy: a hidden story
12.45 - 13.00
Eramo G., De Tullio M.*, Monno A. & Mesto E.
: Ever played a phase diagram?
Thermodynamic graphs as musical scores for educational live performance
Thursday 5 September 2024
Poster Area
Booth 83
Alberghina M.F.*, Ricca M., Ruffolo S.A. & La Russa M.F.
: The valorisation of Cultural Heritage and the archaeometric studies as effective tools for disseminating scientific culture: the experience of the ADELE-RS project
Booth 84
Argentieri A., De Caterini G., De Ritis R.*, Romano M. & Rotella G.
: Science in the Riviera dei Fiori: ‘traces elements’ of geology in Italo Calvino’s literary output
Booth 85
Campo V.*, Antonietti D., Attanasio A., Coiro A. & Congi M.P.
: GeoSciences IR: 'Thematic geological content disseminat*ion' web system to support users
Booth 86
Colizza E.*, Geniram A., Protopsalti I. & Salvi G.
: The National Antarctic Museum-Section of Trieste: integrated educational approaches for understanding environmental and climate changes
Booth 87
Coluzzi R.*, Imbrenda V. & Fanti L.
: Satellites, or the Big Eye at the time of the Anthropocene: remote sensing for capturing landscape changes
Booth 88
Eramo G., Monno A., Tempesta G., Mesto E. & De Tullio M.*
: Gem Session: aural logos of gemstones by sonification
Booth 89
Facchino E., Mazzei S., Locchi L. & Giamborino A.*
: The Italian Paleoart Award
Booth 90
Giampaolo V.*, Calamita G., Corbo D., Fanti L. & Imbrenda V.
: Land degradation: an unconventional tale
Booth 91
Pioggia M.* & Sardella R.
: SIGN ME IN - accessibility and usability of MUST (University Museum of Earth Sciences) explanatory panels for deaf visitors: an analysis
Booth 92
Troco E., Manucci F., Maganuco S.* & Ambasciano L.
: Through the pages of the ages: conveying the unfathomable depth of time in an illustrated book
Booth 93
Zuccari C.*, Artegiani F., Fagioli G., Tancredi S. & Romano M.
: From 'Gerusalemme Liberata' to Dante's Divina Commedia: the seismogenic hypothesis of earthquakes linked to underground winds