S30. Women in Geosciences: a journey through the social changes from the past to present and future scenarios

Conveners and Chairpersons: Martina Zucchi (Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro), Roberto Braga (Università di Bologna), Sveva Corrado (Università Roma Tre), Daniela Di Bucci (Dipartimento della Protezione Civile Nazionale), Luisa Sabato (Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro)




Tuesday 3 September 2024 [15.30-17.30]

Aula N

30-1     15.30 - 15.45
Massaro S.*, Ashruf T., Anderlini L., Drymoni K., Forni F., Geyer A., Guerrero A., Pardo N., Scaini C., Tomašek I. & Viveiros F. : Is there still a price to pay for being a woman geoscientist? Perspectives and lessons learnt 

30-2     15.45 - 16.00
Gambino F.*, Porrone A., Mancini S., Pereira L., Bellopede R., Marini P., Faraudello A. & Dino G. : Uncovering the glass ceiling mechanisms in the Geosciences: towards equality in Academia and the private sector

30-3     16.00 - 16.15
Radeff G.*, Tomassetti L., Garzarella A., D’Ambrogi C. & Lettieri M. : Women at the Geological Survey of Italy: where we were, where we are, where we are going

30-4     16.15 - 16.30
Ducci D.* : Participation of women in engineering geology and hydrogeology research in Italy

30-5     16.30 - 16.45
Bozzano F., Antonielli B., Bigi S.*, Calzolari L., Della Seta M., Coltellacci D., Medeghini L., Pacella A., Piacentini D., Sannino A., Scuderi M., Tinti E., Tullio C., Scacchia E., Ruspandini T. & Vergari F. : Gender equality plan (GEP) of Earth Science Department in the framework of the Science Faculty and Sapienza University

30-6     16.45 - 17.00
Di Bucci D.*, Franceschetti C. & Postiglione T. : 30 years of Women in Science in Italy through the lens of the Major Risks Commission

30-7     17.00 - 17.15
Rosati A.*, Sabato L. & Tropeano M. : Stubbornly holistic: Zonia Baber and her groundbreaking work in the field of geosciences education

30-8     17.15 - 17.30
Sabato L., Zucchi M. & Tropeano M.* : A contribute to the PLS Project from “Women in Geosciences” of Bari University


Tuesday 3 September 2024

Poster Area

30-9     Booth 112
De Lucia M.*, Cafarella L. & Pignone M. : Engaging Women in Science: Harnessing Social Media for STEM and Geoscience Outreach

30-10     Booth 113
Donato P.* & Lucà F. : Promoting the Geosciences among the young women: an example in the framework of the PLS program

30-11     Booth 114
Cofano A.* & De Ceglie R. : Fossils, drawings and letters. Women’s contribution to the development of early 19th century geosciences

30-12     Booth 115
Colacicco R.* : The frontiers of the space and the sea: the records of Dr. Kathryn Sullivan

30-13     Booth 116
Contessi M.* : Anna Fiori and the balance between teaching and research in the years between the Second World War

30-14     Booth 117
Fregola R.A., Maiorano P., Micheletti F., Sabato L. & Zucchi M.* : Learning from the pioneer women in geoscience

30-15     Booth 118
Marinangeli L.*, Garzarella A., La Torre V., Salerno V.M. & Shahini E. : Webinars of Ud’A ex-students to valorise the professional careers of women geologist

30-16     Booth 119
Montomoli C.* : The Gender Equality Plan @ UniTo

30-17     Booth 120
Moretti M.*, Bianco F., Castello B., Cocina O., Cultrera G., Graziani L., Latorre D., Margheriti L., Montone P., Nostro C., Pastori M., Pondrelli S., Scognamiglio L. & Valoroso L. : The role of women in the geosciences: the case of INGV in preparing and managing the emergencies

30-18     Booth 121
Amelio A., Doria S., Faieta D., Pagliaro S., Piacentini T., Pondrelli M.*, Ranieri B. & Vessia G. : The challenge to promote equal opportunities in the daily life at university: searching for best practices