Tuesday 3 September 2024 [15.30-17.30]
Aula N
15.30 - 15.45
Massaro S.*, Ashruf T., Anderlini L., Drymoni K., Forni F., Geyer A., Guerrero A., Pardo N., Scaini C., Tomašek I. & Viveiros F.
: Is there still a price to pay for being a woman geoscientist? Perspectives and lessons learnt
15.45 - 16.00
Gambino F.*, Porrone A., Mancini S., Pereira L., Bellopede R., Marini P., Faraudello A. & Dino G.
: Uncovering the glass ceiling mechanisms in the Geosciences: towards equality in Academia and the private sector
16.00 - 16.15
Radeff G.*, Tomassetti L., Garzarella A., D’Ambrogi C. & Lettieri M.
: Women at the Geological Survey of Italy: where we were, where we are, where we are going
16.15 - 16.30
Ducci D.*
: Participation of women in engineering geology and hydrogeology research in Italy
16.30 - 16.45
Bozzano F., Antonielli B., Bigi S.*, Calzolari L., Della Seta M., Coltellacci D., Medeghini L., Pacella A., Piacentini D., Sannino A., Scuderi M., Tinti E., Tullio C., Scacchia E., Ruspandini T. & Vergari F.
: Gender equality plan (GEP) of Earth Science Department in the framework of the Science Faculty and Sapienza University
16.45 - 17.00
Di Bucci D.*, Franceschetti C. & Postiglione T.
: 30 years of Women in Science in Italy through the lens of the Major Risks Commission
17.00 - 17.15
Rosati A.*, Sabato L. & Tropeano M.
: Stubbornly holistic: Zonia Baber and her groundbreaking work in the field of geosciences education
17.15 - 17.30
Sabato L., Zucchi M. & Tropeano M.*
: A contribute to the PLS Project from “Women in Geosciences” of Bari University
Tuesday 3 September 2024
Poster Area
Booth 112
De Lucia M.*, Cafarella L. & Pignone M.
: Engaging Women in Science: Harnessing Social Media for STEM and Geoscience Outreach
Booth 113
Donato P.* & Lucà F.
: Promoting the Geosciences among the young women: an example in the framework of the PLS program
Booth 114
Cofano A.* & De Ceglie R.
: Fossils, drawings and letters. Women’s contribution to the development of early 19
th century geosciences
Booth 115
Colacicco R.*
: The frontiers of the space and the sea: the records of Dr. Kathryn Sullivan
Booth 116
Contessi M.*
: Anna Fiori and the balance between teaching and research in the years between the Second World War
Booth 117
Fregola R.A., Maiorano P., Micheletti F., Sabato L. & Zucchi M.*
: Learning from the pioneer women in geoscience
Booth 118
Marinangeli L.*, Garzarella A., La Torre V., Salerno V.M. & Shahini E.
: Webinars of Ud’A ex-students to valorise the professional careers of women geologist
Booth 119
Montomoli C.*
: The Gender Equality Plan @ UniTo
Booth 120
Moretti M.*, Bianco F., Castello B., Cocina O., Cultrera G., Graziani L., Latorre D., Margheriti L., Montone P., Nostro C., Pastori M., Pondrelli S., Scognamiglio L. & Valoroso L.
: The role of women in the geosciences: the case of INGV in preparing and managing the emergencies
Booth 121
Amelio A., Doria S., Faieta D., Pagliaro S., Piacentini T., Pondrelli M.*, Ranieri B. & Vessia G.
: The challenge to promote equal opportunities in the daily life at university: searching for best practices