S29. Multidisciplinarity and numerical modelling: a comprehensive approach for upcoming Geosciences

Conveners and Chairpersons: Bruno Campo (Università di Bologna), Silvia Massaro (Università di Bari), Beatrice Maria Sole Giambastiani (Università di Bologna), Nunzio Luciano Fazio (CNR), Sonia Silvestri (Università di Bologna), Manuel Stocchi (Università di Bari)




Thursday 5 September 2024 [15.30-17.30]

Aula D

29-1     15.30 - 15.45
Purri F.*, Di Martino A. & Amorosi A. : 3D stratigraphic architecture of the late Quaternary Pescara paleovalley and seismic site characterization

29-2     15.45 - 16.00
Sobbe A.*, Bianchini G., Rizzo E. & Brombin V. : Geophysical and geochemical data integration for agricultural soil monitoring and prevention of the effects of salinity, organic matter, and climate change in the Province of Ferrara (Northern Italy)

29-3     16.00 - 16.15
--- Withdrawn --- Tranfa P.*, Di Renzo V., Izzo F., Langella A., Mercurio M., Mercurio V., Cappelletti P. & D’Antonio M. : A multidisciplinary approach used for winemaking process investigation: the Cantina di Solopaca (Benevento, Italy) case study

29-4     16.15 - 16.30
Schiavo M., Giambastiani B.M.S.*, Greggio N., Colombani N. & Mastrocicco M. : Integrated approach for Arsenic contamination assessment in the entire Padana Plain (Italy)

29-5     16.30 - 16.45
Lucci G.*, Bruno L., Purri F., Di Martino A. & Amorosi A. : Shallow subsurface stratigraphy of the Mirandola Area (central Po Plain) reconstructed through combined sedimentological and geotechnical analysis

29-6     16.45 - 17.00
Watanabe D., Bruno L.* & Amorosi A. : Holocene sedimentary and geomorphological evolution of the Po Plain between Po, Secchia and Panaro rivers, reconstructed through a morpho-stratigraphic approach

29-7     17.00 - 17.15
Leoni G., De Caterini G., Vizzini G.*, Assennato F., Bianco P.M., Decorso C., Delfini C., Ferrigno F., Finocchiaro G., Fumanti F., Guerrieri L., Lucarini M., Roggero F., Tria N.G. & Spizzichino D. : Giasone: a method to assess sustainability of georesources cultivation

29-8     17.15 - 17.30
Castronuovo R.*, Borghetti M., Ferrara A.M.S., Spatola M.F. & Nolè A. : Vegetation cover dynamics in the Mediterranean region: a spectral-based assessment of the riparian vegetation patterns  

Thursday 5 September 2024 [17.30-19.30]

Aula D

29-9     17.30 - 17.45
Stocchi M.*, Houzeaux G., Costa A., Folch A., Massaro S. & Sulpizio R. : Modeling the priming mechanism of phreatic and geothermal eruptions: physical model and preliminary integration results

29-10     17.45 - 18.00
Srivastava E.*, Parrino N., Kumar P.C., Caldareri F., Maiorana M., Palano M. & Sulli A. : Fluid migration along fault and fracture systems in the Sicily straits: high-resolution mapping reveals connections

29-11     18.00 - 18.15
Salone R.*, Troiano A., Di Giuseppe M.G., Isaia R. & Di Maio R. : A new insight into the dynamics of the Pisciarelli hydrothermal system (Campi Flegrei, Southern Italy) based on the integration of geophysical and numerical modelling

29-12     18.15 - 18.30
Roseto R.*, Lollino P., Parise M., Spalluto L., Festa V. & Fazio L. : Analysis of possible failure mechanisms of a coastal rocky cliff by means of a three-dimensional discrete element model

29-13     18.30 - 18.45
Fazio N.L., Lollino P.*, Mevoli F., de Lucia D. & Ugenti A. : 3D limit equilibrium analyses for landslide susceptibility analyses at the urban area scale

29-14     18.45 - 19.00
Fazio N.L.*1,2, Sollecito F.1,5, Lollino P. & Fazio V. : Enhancing the assessment of underground cave stability through machine learning-driven mechanically-based methods

29-15     19.00 - 19.15
Perrini M.*, Gola G., Tizzani P., Fedi F., Brahimi M. & Castaldo R. : Thermo-rheological modelling of the Yellowstone caldera: insights into volcanic processes

29-16     19.15 - 19.30
Parrino N.*, Caldareri F., Palano M., Burrato P., Lo Presti V., Agate M., Gasparo M. & Sulli A. : Eroding edges: exploring the tectonic forcing on submarine canyon evolution


Thursday 5 September 2024

Poster Area

29-17     Booth 77
Califano C.*, Salone R., Troiano A., Di Giuseppe M.G., Isaia R. & Di Maio R. : Integrating geophysical models and numerical simulations to study the dynamics of the active geothermal system of Vulcano island (Italy)

29-18     Booth 78
Dioguardi F.*, Chiodini G. & Costa A. : Probabilistic hazard modelling of the non-volcanic gas emissions of Mefite d’Ansanto, Southern Italy

29-19     Booth 79
Ferroni L.*, Tassinari R., Martina A. & Marrocchino E. : Comparative soil-to-plant fractionation of rare earth elements in chlorophyll-deficient wheat mutants

29-20     Booth 80
Martina A.*, Aliprandi E., Ferroni L., Tassinari R. & Marrocchino E. : Multiparameter markers of territoriality: geochemical-isotopic and fluorometric analysis for asparagus characterization

29-21     Booth 81
Massaro S.*, Costa A., Macedonio G., Dioguardi F., Tamburello G., Bini G., Rufino F., Caliro S., Chiodini G., Sandri L., Selva J., Stocchi M., Santi A. & Avino R. : Model calibration and validation of carbon dioxide dispersion in the Atmospheric Surface Layer using data from La Solfatara crater (Campi Flegrei, Italy)

29-22     Booth 82
Silvestri S.*, Giambastiani B.M.S., Costantini F., Pezzolesi L., Guerrini F., Turicchia E., Merloni N., Archetti R., Guerrero M., Gaeta M.G., Zanutta A., Girelli V.A., Tini M.A., Lambertini A., Giordano C.M., Boninsegni A., Casadei I., Costa M., Cavalieri E., Del Bianco F., Stanghellini G., Ravaioli S., Nannini S., Bonaccorso E., Cerrano C., Scottà F.C. & Ponti M. : Past and recent evolution of the submerged beach, shoreline, and dune-beach morphology as baseline to monitor a nature-based reef solution for coastal protection and marine biodiversity enhancement