S27. Caves, mines and other underground spaces as field laboratories in environmental geology

Conveners and Chairpersons: Laura Sanna (CNR), Valentina Balestra (Politecnico di Torino), Isabella Serena Liso (Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro), Mario Parise (Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro)




Tuesday 3 September 2024 [15.30-17.30]

Aula H

27-1     15.30 - 16.00
[KEYNOTE] Vigna B.* & Balestra V.* : Relationship between air-rock-water temperatures in karst caves and surface temperatures

27-2     16.00 - 16.15
Balestra V., Peruzzi A., Marini P. & Bellopede R.* : Monitoring of lampenflora growth on speleothems exposed to LED lights in show caves

27-3     16.15 - 16.30
Vogel B., Calaforra J.M., Uasapud Enriquez N.V., Zupan Hajna N. & Parise M.* : List of endangered caves and karst, an initiative from the International Union of Speleology

27-4     16.30 - 16.45
Balestra V.*, Fiorucci A., Marini P. & Bellopede R. : A research to study the unstoppable subterranean journey of microplastics

27-5     16.45 - 17.00
Ruberti N.*, Esposito M. & Sanna L. : Radon monitoring in underground workplaces. The case of Sardinia region (Italy)

27-6     17.00 - 17.15
Idini A.*, Masala O. & Sanna L. : Metals discharge from underground mine drainage of Argentiera Pb-Zn-Ag mine, NW Sardinia, Italy

27-7     17.15 - 17.30
Gaudiosi I.*, Livani M., Simionato M., Mancini M., Tentori D., Paolella L., Gozzi M., Pennica F., Polpetta F., Stigliano F., Trapasso F., Di Monda D., Terzo M., Argiolas F., Croce P., Piro S. & Moscatelli M. : CALIGOLA: a project for enhancing the knowledge of underground archaeological sites in the Palatine Hill through the integration of geological and geophysical data with new technologies


Tuesday 3 September 2024

Poster Area

27-8     Booth 103
--- Withdrawn --- Cossu Q.A., Arca B., Cinus D.*, Ferrara R., Arca A., Ventura A. & Duce P. : Technological innovation and environmental monitoring for the evaluation of the bearing capacity in tourist caves

27-9     Booth 104
Didonna F., Liso I.S.*, Fregola R.A., Messina F. & Serrone M. : Sustainable speleology and cave conservation

27-10     Booth 105
Fioraso M.* & Riva A. : Speleogenesis and hydrostructure development in conglomerate-dominated sedimentary sequences: the “Castel Sotterra” Cave

27-11     Booth 106
Mastronuzzi G.*, Fiore A., Parise M., Tropeano M. & Tarantini F. : Karst and cave environment conservation in the Alta Murgia National Park

27-12     Booth 107
Ruberti N.* & Sanna L. : Teaching sustainable planning of show caves

27-13     Booth 108
Sanna L.* : Moisture on underground walls in abandoned mines as source of acid drainage

27-14     Booth 109
Sanna L.*, Pusceddu C., Sanna U. & Floris G. : Disentangling natural signal from anthropogenic contribution in the temperature dynamics within show caves

27-15     Booth 110
Tinagli L.*, La Rosa A. & Paoli G. : A long-term analysis of mining-induced sinkhole activity in Gavorrano (Tuscany, Italy) by remote sensing and field data

27-16     Booth 111
Vigna B.* & Balestra V. : Anthropogenic impact assessment in show caves through environmental parameters monitoring