S23. Assessing and mitigating natural risks: a multidisciplinary path from Geosciences to Citizen Science

Conveners and Chairpersons: Antonello Fiore (SIGEA-APS), Isabella Lapietra (UNIBA), Maria Luisa Carapezza (INGV), Laura Criscuolo (CNR-IGG), Daniela Di Bucci (Dipartimento della Protezione Civile), Alessandro Sarretta (CNR-IRPI)




Tuesday 3 September 2024 [15.30-17.30]

Aula M

23-1     15.30 - 15.45
(Invited) Valensise G.* : Beyond fault scarps: the role of geologists in the assessment of seismic hazard and risk

23-2     15.45 - 16.00
(Invited) Trigila A.* & Iadanza C. : Data and maps on natural hazards to support risk mitigation measures

23-3     16.00 - 16.15
Ranaldi M.*, Carapezza M.L., Tarchini L. & Barberi F. : Hazard from endogenous gas emission in the north and center Lazio Region

23-4     16.15 - 16.30
Tarchini L.*, Carapezza M.L. & Ranaldi M. : Assessing and mitigating natural gas risk at Cava dei Selci (Colli Albani volcano) through combined geochemical, epidemiological and agro-environmental studies

23-5     16.30 - 16.45
Fracassi U.* : The (un)stable stewardship: The Earth Sciences amid accrued vulnerabilities, climate disruption, and resource management

23-6     16.45 - 17.00
Mele D.*, Dellino P., Dioguardi F. & Sulpizio R. : Probabilistic hazard maps of pyroclastic density current at Vesuvius volcano (Italy): a new strategy for risk reduction

23-7     17.00 - 17.15
Sandron D.*, Saraò A., Tamaro A. & Rebez A. : Citizen Science for seismic risk reduction strategies and sustainable management

23-8     17.15 - 17.30
Colacicco R.*, Lapietra I., La Salandra M., Roseto R., Bellini F. & Capolongo D. : Citizen Science for the enhancement and knowledge of the territory: the YouthMappers@Uniba experience


Tuesday 3 September 2024

Poster Area

23-9     Booth 95
Bonelli P.*, Abbatangelo G., Becci G., Cardinale D., Conelli A., Liuzzi G. & Morigi M. : An early warning system experiment for landslides in Grassano (Matera, Basilicata, Italy) with the active participation of the local population and self-made open-source instruments

23-10     Booth 96
Clemente E.*, Lapietra I., Colacicco R. & Rinaldi A. : Climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies in the Kenyan Rift Valley: the case of Baringo and Bogoria lakes

23-11     Booth 97
Lisco S.*, Marangi M. , Sini V. & Lapietra I. : Coastal and Marine hazard awarness throught citizen science in School

23-12     Booth 98
Lisco S.*, Rizzo A. , de Luca A., Fracchiolla T., Sozio A., Bitetto F. , Ravisato M. , Trani R. , Di coccia I. , Schiavo A. , Giannattasio L., Pierri D. & Tamma M. : Students’ engagement in coastal monitoring activities: preliminary outcomes from the Marevivo NauticinBlu project

23-13     Booth 99
Lo Presti V., Agate M., Balsamo L., Bracci M., Cassataro R., Maiorana M.G.* & Sulli A. : Submarine Fluid Escapes; their role on ground instabilities. Learning Examples of RETURN Project

23-14     Booth 100
Mureddu A.* : Zoning of territorial hazard for the evaluation and mitigation of hydrogeological risk: morphometric, meteorological, climatic, geolithological and hydrogeological - hydraulic analysis of the Rio Corr'e Pruna basin (Sardinia – Italy)

23-15     Booth 101
Rinaldi A., Bonamassa G., Fracchiolla R.*, Lapietra I., Liso I.S., Lollino P., Lorusso G. & Parise M. : Sinkhole risk perception in the urban area of Altamura (Southern Italy)

23-16     Booth 102
Tavecchio W.* : Protects and heats