S18. Geosciences for the characterization, exploration and exploitation of primary and secondary mineral resources

Conveners and Chairpersons: Simone Vezzoni (CNR), Matteo Deidda (Università di Cagliari), Rosa Anna Fregola (Università di Bari ), Giovanni Grieco (Università di Milano Statale), Nicola Mondillo (Università di Napoli Federico II), Valentina Rimondi (Università di Firenze)




Thursday 5 September 2024 [08.30-10.30]

Aula H

18-1     08.30 - 09.00
[KEYNOTE] Chiaradia M.* : Distinct magma evolution processes control the formation, endowments and metal ratios of porphyry Cu-Au deposits in thin and thick arcs

18-16     09.00 - 09.15
Filimon D.I.*, Boschi C., Fulignati P., Gioncada A. & Rielli A. : The carbonate-hosted Sb(±Au) mineralization of Southern Tuscany: insights from stibnite and pyrite trace element composition and stable isotope geochemistry

18-3     09.15 - 09.30
De Leo A.*, Pedrosa-Soares A.C., Lana C. & Farina F. : On the origin of spodumene-rich pegmatites in the Araçuaí Pegmatite District, Minas Gerais, Brazil: insights from mica and apatite mineral chemistry

18-4     09.30 - 09.45
Corrado F.*, Sorrentino A., Chirico R., Casarotto B., Massironi M. & Mondillo N. : Hyperspectral analysis of vanadium-bearing ore deposits in the Mibladen district (Morocco) and the Otavi Mountainland (Namibia)

18-5     09.45 - 10.00
Sorrentino A.*, Asadzadeh S., Gleeson S., Chabrillat S., Boni M. & Mondillo N. : Alteration mineral mapping of Zn mineralization using EnMAP hyperspectral satellite data: a comparative study of the Skorpion-Rosh Pinah (Namibia) and Beltana (Australia) deposits

18-6     10.00 - 10.15
Natali F.*, Quaranta S., Agostini M., Latini A., Miranda Figueira B.A. & Valdrè G. : “Low cost/low end” birnessite-like MnO2 recovered from Amazon mining tailings as conversion anode for Li-batteries

18-7     10.15 - 10.30
Piepoli L.*, Della Porta G., Grieco G., Sinojmeri A. & Fociro A. : Multi analytical approach to the study of Albanian phosphorite deposits in Jurassic and Cretaceous marine carbonate successions

Thursday 5 September 2024 [11.00-13.00]

Aula H

18-8     11.00 - 11.30
(Invited) Dini A.* : The supergiant epithermal Hg district of Mt. Amiata (Italy): metal source and genesis

18-9     11.30 - 11.45
Di Giuseppe P.*, Agostini S., Rielli A., Vezzoni S. & Dini A. : Iron isotope systematics and ore forming processes: first results from the ophiolite-hosted, Tuscan Cu-Zn VMS deposits

18-10     11.45 - 12.00
Velicogna M., Beltrame M., Barago N., De Min A., Lenaz D., Nimis P.*, Chiaradia M., Venier M., Chelle-Michou C. & Tavazzani L. : Age and evolution of the Raibl carbonate-hosted Zn-Pb deposit (NE Italy)

18-11     12.00 - 12.15
Ciccolella A.*, Festa V., Ruggieri G., Schingaro E., Tursi F., Ventruti G. & Fregola R.A. : Trace elements and REYs signature of ore and gangue minerals in the Zn-Pb(-Cu-Fe) mineralization of Longobucco and Fonte Argentila (Sila Massif, Calabria, southern Italy)

18-12     12.15 - 12.30
Coticelli S.*, Abad I., Balassone G., Cappelletti P., Rispoli C., Granitzio F., Farenzena M. & Mondillo N. : Geology and mineralogy of the S’Aliderru bentonite deposit (Sardinia, Italy)

18-13     12.30 - 12.45
Tazzini A.*, Gambino F., Mancini S. & Dino G.A. : Circular economy in the dimension stone industry: problems and challenges related to fine fractions generated during marble exploitation

18-14     12.45 - 13.00
Fumanti F.*, De Corso S., De Caterini G., Andrisani M.G., Dacquino C., De Benedetti A.A., Carta R., Ferrigno F., Guerra. M., Guerrieri L., Leoni G., Lucarini M., Olivetta L., Pantaloni M., Patanè R.A., Pieruccioni D., Serra M., Spizzichino D. & Amanti M. : National databases, starting point for compliance with the Critical Raw Materials Act obligations


Thursday 5 September 2024

Poster Area

18-2     Booth 47
--- Withdrawn --- Putzolu F.*, Armstrong R., Benson T., Emproto C., Ball R., Abad I., Boyce A., Hepburn L., Bompard N. & Herrington R. : Lithium clays in volcano-sedimentary deposits

18-15     Booth 46
Attardi A.*, Cossu D., Deidda M.L., Fancello D., Sedda L. & Naitza S. : The Mo-LREE-(W) greisen and F-LREE-(Mo) hydrothermal mineralisation in the Oschiri - Alà dei Sardi area (N Sardinia)

18-17     Booth 48
Gioiello S., Santoro L.* & Cazzaniga A. : Re-use of granite quarry waste for REEs-recovery along the industrial production chain: results from pre-concentration tests

18-18     Booth 49
Grieco G.*, Naitza S. & Bussolesi M. : Preliminary evaluation of the antimony potential for different waste materials at abandoned mines of Villasalto and Ballao, Sardinia

18-19     Booth 50
Morelli G.*, Chmes H., Costagliola P., Dore E., Frau F., Gonnelli C., Lattanzi P., Medas D., Nannoni A., Regini G., Ruggieri G., Trumpy E., Vezzoni S. & Rimondi V. : The antimony resource in Italy: evaluation of environmental impact and ore exploration of a Critical Raw Material under the MOLIERE project

18-20     Booth 51
Naitza S.*, Conte A.M., Petrelli M., Giovanardi T. & Secchi F. : Petrogenetic and metallogenic constraints from dark micas compositions of late-Variscan post-collisional granite suites from southern Sardinia (Italy)

18-21     Booth 52
Natali F.*, Quaranta S., Agostini M., De Giorgio F., Latini A., Miranda Figueira B.A. & Valdrè G. : An old material for a new application: hydrous manganese dioxide from mining tailings as supercapacitor electrode

18-22     Booth 53
Santoro L.* & Domenighini G. : Punta Corna five-element vein system (Italy): Late-Alpine hydrothermal circulation and metallogenesis

18-23     Booth 54
Scano I.*, Moroni M., Frau F. & Naitza S. : Ore variability in five-element (Ni-Co-As-Ag-Bi) vein systems: insights from the As/S vs. S binary plot

18-24     Booth 55
Sedda L.*, Attardi A., Deidda M.L., De Giudici G., Fancello D., Naitza S. & Scano I. : Critical raw materials (CRMs) in the Fluminèse-Arburèse districts (SW Sardinia): guidelines for regional-scale mineral exploration