Tuesday 3 September 2024 [08.30-10.30]
Aula C
08.30 - 08.45
Cipriani A.*, Fagioli G., Capotorti F., Consorti L., Fabbi S. , Muraro C. , Pampaloni L. , Prinzi E.P. & Tomassetti L.
: Towards a lithostratigraphic correlation of Mesozoic-Cenozoic carbonate platform-to-basin successions of central and southern Apennines: insights from the CARG Project
08.45 - 09.00
Amodio S.*, Barattolo F., Bravi S. , Cesarano M., Angiolilli D., Auciello E., Boscaino M., Girardi G., Randisi A. & Pappone G.
: The Jurassic-Miocene Apenninic limestones in southern Matese: biostratigraphy and sedimentary evolution from geological mapping of the Sheet 418 Piedimonte Matese
09.00 - 09.15
Rossi G.*, Cipriani A. & Fabbi S.
: Jurassic evolution and paleogeography of the Fiastrone gorge (Marche, Italy): new data from detailed geological mapping
09.15 - 09.30
Foti A.*, Cianflone G. & Dominici R.
: New geological evidence in the Miocene successions of the eastern part of the Catanzaro Strait (Calabria-Southern Italy)
09.30 - 09.45
Innamorati G.*, Fabbi S., Notaro A., Tancredi S. & Santantonio M.
: New constraints on the southernmost portion of the Ligurian and Sub-Ligurian Domains: insight from the Sheet “363” Civitavecchia
09.45 - 10.00
Bruno L.*, Cicala M., Festa E., Marroccoli M., Parisi A., Sabato L., Tropeano M. & Vescogni A.
: Surface and subsurface geology of Gravina in Puglia, Southern Italy
10.00 - 10.15
Amato V.*, Aucelli P.P.C., Auciello E., Cesarano M., Pappone G., Petrosino P. & Rosskopf C.M.
: Timing and lithofacies of the intermountain basins quaternary infilling from 1:50.000 geological maps (Piedimonte Matese, Isernia and Castel di Sangro sheets)
10.15 - 10.30
Gambino S., Barreca G., Tarascio S., Carbone S. & Monaco C.*
: Quaternary faulting in the NE sector of the Hyblean Plateau (SE Sicily): new insight from survey within the CARG project (sheet N. 646 Siracusa)
Tuesday 3 September 2024 [11.00-13.00]
Aula C
11.00 - 11.15
Morelli F.*, Chiarini E., Nirta G., Nocentini M., Piacentini. T. & Pizzi A.
: Rock avalanche deposits along normal-fault and thrust-fault-related tectonic slopes: new insights from CARG Project surveys in the Majella-Porrara ridges (central-eastern Apennines, Abruzzo Region)
11.15 - 11.30
Perozzo M.*, Maino M., Menegoni N., Crispini L., Federico L. & Seno S.
: Fracture network analysis in a polyphasic tectonic framework: the importance to integrate field-based structural data in the era of digital geology (CARG Project 245-Albenga)
11.30 - 11.45
Lombardi S.*, Stori L., Federico L., Crispini L., Seno S. & Maino M.
: Pre to syn orogenic evolution of the European margin: clues from the Flysch units of the Ligurian Alps (CARG Project – Ormea sheet 244)
11.45 - 12.00
Sulli A.*, Agate M., Gasparo Morticelli M., Todaro S., Lo Presti V., Avellone G., Bonfardeci A., Maiorana M., Rizzo G.F., Gennuso M., Petrella F., Parrino N. & Muraro C.
: From onshore to offshore, from outcrop to subsurface: an innovative multi-scale approach to the geological mapping of the Sheet 628 Sciacca (southwestern Sicily)
12.00 - 12.15
Balsamo L.*, Sulli A., Agate M., Budillon F., Gasperini L., Monaco C. & Carbone S.
: Offshore geological map in south-eastern Sicily: the “Siracusa - 646” (CARG project)
12.15 - 12.30
D’Abbicco V.*, De Giosa F., de Luca A., Fracchiolla T., Lisco S., Mastronuzzi G. & Moretti M.
: Sedimentary dynamics and biological-anthropic processes on the seafloor: the natural laboratory of Taranto seas (northern Ionian Sea, southern Italy)
12.30 - 12.45
Orefice S.*, Pensa A. & Fiorentino A.
: Geological mapping of submerged areas withing the CARG project. The example of “Asinara” sheet (n. 425)
12.45 - 13.00
Marcelli I.*, Piana F., Barbero E., Ossella L., Fioraso G., Irace A., Mosca P., Barale L., Frasca G., Catanzariti R., d’Atri A., Bertok C. & Festa A.
: CARG geo-tech revolution: digitizing geological maps with innovative tools (practical examples from the CARG project)
Tuesday 3 September 2024
Poster Area
Booth 50
Antonelli M.*, Caldara M.A., Sacco E. & Spalluto L.
: Geological map of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic carbonate units cropping out in the southern Gargano Promontory: new stratigraphic constraints for the tectonic evolution of the area
Booth 51
Capotorti F.*
& Tomassetti L.
: Paleotectonics imprint on the southern edge of the M. Morrone structure (Central Apennines)
Booth 52
Maino M.*, Perozzo M., Seno S., Niccolò M., Morelli D., Crispini L., Locatelli M., Corradi N., Federico L. & Notti D.
: A geological dive from the western Alps into the Ligurian sea: the experience of the CARG 245 - Albenga sheet
Booth 53
Pieruccioni D.* & Simonetti M.
: The medium- to high-grade metamorphic basements of NW Sardinia: the example of the Sheet n. 425 “Isola Asinara”
Booth 54
Rizzo G.F.*, Maiorana M., Avellone G., Gennuso M., Bonfardeci A. & Gasparo Morticelli M.
: 3D reconstruction of an integrated onshore/offshore geological model: the example of geological sheet 628 Sciacca (Southwestern Sicily)
Booth 55
Cerone D.*, Notaro A., Parente M. & Prosser G.
: New geological map at a 1:10.000 scale and tectono-stratigraphic review of the NW Campania-Basilicata boundary (Southern Apennines, Southern Italy)
Booth 56
Cesarano M.*, Amodio S., Barattolo F., Bravi S., Angiolilli D., Auciello E., Bollati A., Boscaino M., Randisi A., Girardi G. , De Matteis M. , Grella M. , Rosskopf C.M., Silvestri S., Cipriani A., Tomassetti L. & Pappone G.
: Stratigraphic and structural relationships between the Matese Mts and the Montagnola di Frosolone: new field data from the Geological Sheets 404 “Isernia” and 418 “Piedimonte Matese” (CARG Project)
Booth 57
Cilumbriello A.*, Sabato L. & Tropeano M.
: The highest regressive coastal deposits of the Bradanic Trough (Basilicata, Southern Italy): old vs new stratigraphic schemes in the official geological cartography
Booth 58
Colzada G.*, Arrigoni F., Marinoni A., Pigazzi E., Tantardini D., Apuani T. & Tartarotti P.
: Recognition of a pre-LGM, km-wide collapsed DGSD in Bregaglia Valley (Italian Central Alps): a case study in the frame of the CARG Project sheet n. 038 “Chiavenna”
Booth 59
Fagioli G.*, Artegiani F., Pietrosante A., Parente M. & Putignano M.L.
: The Mesozoic stratigraphic succession of Mt. Massico ridge in the southern Apennines (northern Campania, Italy): new data from geological mapping (Sheet 429 Mondragone - CARG Project)
Booth 60
Frezza V.*, Garzarella A., Notaro A., Pampaloni M.L., Berti D., Chiarini E., Marino M., Romagnoli G. & Silvestri S.
: Biostratigraphic data in the Pliocene-Pleistocene sediments from the CARG Project surveys in the Central Apennines (Italy): new evidence from the Sheet n. 370 “Guardiagrele”
Booth 61
Gennuso M.*, Rizzo G.F., Bonfardeci A., Avellone G. , Todaro S. & Gasparo Morticelli M.
: Tectono-sedimentary evolution of a Meso-Cenozoic slope from south-western Sicily (Italy)
Booth 62
Marinoni A.*, Pezzotta A., Tantardini D., Arrigoni F., Pigazzi E., Colzada G., Apuani T., Zerboni A. & Tartarotti P.
: Multi-scale landscape evolution of Central Alps: another side of the Valchiavenna CARG project
Booth 63
Parrino N.*, Srivastava E., Caldareri F., Burrato P., Gasparo Morticelli M., Di Maggio C., Agate M., Bonfardeci A. & Sulli A.
: Tectonic imprints on Quaternary landscapes: insights from morphometric analysis and new luminescence dating in Southwestern Sicily
Booth 64
Pasqualone L.* & Urbani M.
: Digital structural analysis from outcrops and VOMs: case studies from Umbria turbiditic successions
Booth 65
Relvini A., Ascione A., De Luzio E., Artegiani F., Cascini L., Muraro C., Parente M., Ogata K., Di Donato V. & Iannace A.*
: Inheritance of pre-orogenic faults in Miocene foredeep evolution in Southern Apennines, Italy
Booth 66
Riva A.*, Caggiati M., Preto N., Fioraso M. & Crocitto L.
: Rosso Ammonitico Veronese (Bajocian - Tithonian, Jurassic) from the Trento Platform to the Belluno Basin: can we really map it?
Booth 67
Romagnoli G.* & Muraro C.
: Field preliminary data to reconstruct the tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the Mt. di Muccia-Mt. Val di Fibbia area (Northern Apennines, Italy)
Booth 68
Silvani F.*, Mirabella F., Pazzaglia F.J. & Barchi M.R.
: A previously unknown loess deposit in the Quaternary Gubbio basin (Umbria, central Italy): a stratigraphical record of the paleoenvironment of the area
Booth 69
Srivastava E.*, Parrino N., Caldareri F., Morticelli M.G., Burrato P., Pucci S., Agate M. & Sulli A.
: Late Pleistocene eustatic variations and fluvial terrace development in the Carboj River catchment, Southern Sicily
Booth 70
Venezia V.*, Festa V. & Tropeano M.
: The small-scale problem: loss of significant geological features in small scale geological maps. The case of the northern sector of the Murgia Materana, South Italy
Booth 71
Zanellato N.*, Dela Pierre F. & Festa A.
: Sheet 158 “Casale Monferrato”of the Geological Map of Italy at 1:50.000 scale (CARG Project): preliminary results