S11. BACK TO THE FUTURE. History of geological studies and mapping as a key for sustainable development

Conveners and Chairpersons: Alessio Argentieri (Città metropolitana di Roma Capitale), Rossella De Ceglie (Università di Bari), Paolo Macini (Università di Bologna), Marco Pantaloni (ISPRA), Carla Petrocelli (Università di Bari)




Tuesday 3 September 2024 [08.30-10.30]

Aula N

11-1     08.30 - 08.45
Sabato L.* : Maria Matilda Ogilvie Gordon: the “Lady of Dolomite”, a pioneer of geological surveying and more…

11-2     08.45 - 09.00
Cofano A.* & De Ceglie R. : The “Signora” of limnology. Rina Monti: geological experience, ecosystem protection and the impact of human activity

11-3     09.00 - 09.15
Romano M.* & Chiocci F.L. : The woman who painted the ocean floor: celebrating Marie Tharp’s legacy

11-4     09.15 - 09.30
Innamorati G.*, Fabbi S., Romano M. & Argentieri A. : One against all: fifty years after the geological scheme of Calabria by Leo Ogniben (1973)

11-5     09.30 - 09.45
Macini P.*, Mesini E. & Argentieri A. : Reflection vs. refraction seismic: Tiziano Rocco and the development of applied geophysics in Italy

11-6     09.45 - 10.00
Garzarella A.* : Military geology and historical archives: from De Ambrosis' monographs to Bulow-Krantz-Sonne's Wehrgeologie, the role of geology in the Second World War

11-7     10.00 - 10.15
Musumeci D.*, Branca S., Ingaliso L., Baumann B., Briole P., Cirrincione R., Corsaro R.A., Monaco C., Napolitani M. & Privitera F. : The Der Aetna and the studies on Etna by Sartorius von Waltershausen (1809-1876)

11-8     10.15 - 10.30
Rosati A.*, Sabato L. & Tropeano M. : Staring into the abyss: the unfathomable true age of the Earth or how to reshape the way we perceive Time

Tuesday 3 September 2024 [11.00-13.00]

Aula N

11-9     11.00 - 11.15
Argentieri A., Occhigrossi B.C. & Rotella G.* : Tommaso Tittoni, a geologist to the Prime Ministership

11-10     11.15 - 11.30
De Caterini G., Leoni G.*, Andrisani M.G., Carta R., De Benedetti A.A., De Corso S., Ferrigno F., Fumanti F., Guerra M., Guerrieri L., Lucarini M., Naitza S., Olivetta L., Pantaloni M., Patanè R.A., Serra M., Spizzichino D. & Amanti M. : The relevance of the 1973 mining map of Italy: its revamping in the GeoSciencesIR project

11-11     11.30 - 11.45
De Caterini G.*, Ferranti N., Finocchiaro G., Fumanti F., Giarda M., Guerrieri L., Leoni G., Mestriner T., Roggero F., Savoca D., Spizzichino D. & Tria N.G. : Microhistory of the civilization of mines: from the golden fleece to the critical raw material act

11-12     11.45 - 12.00
Sammuri P.* : The ancient mine of Poggio Mozzeto in the Bai valley (Roccastrada, Grosseto)

11-13     12.00 - 12.15
Palladino G.*, Prosser G., Grimaldi S., Olita F., Cascini L. & Dello Iacovo B. : The geological map of the western side of the high Agri Valley

11-14     12.15 - 12.30
Saltarelli C.* : Seismic maps between historical approach and scientific research. A contribution from the history of science to risk reduction

11-15     12.30 - 12.45
Romano M. & Petti F.M.* : The legendary Central Asiatic Expedition: celebrating 100 years of Oviraptor

11-16     12.45 - 13.00
Fabbi S.*, Cestari R. & Dominici S. : The De filippi expedition (1913–1914) and the geological exploration of the Aksai Chin (western Tibet)


Tuesday 3 September 2024

Poster Area

11-17     Booth 41
Argentieri A., Centamore E., Petti F.M.* & Tavarnelli E. : Two forerunners of Northern Apennines tectonics: a tribute to Roberto Signorini and Carlo Ippolito Migliorini

11-18     Booth 42
Barale L., Console F., Mosca P.* & Pantaloni M. : The problem of the age of “greenstones” in the Western Alps: the perspective of Carlo Bruno (1831-1916)

11-19     Booth 43
Bilotta A.M., Canali M.G., De Caterini G., Fiorelli C., Lucarini M.*, Milighetti C., Nappo E. & Mattei A. : Children's Eco-Museum (I.C. Via Santo Savarino, Rome): history and memory of the Genius loci of the “Agro romano”

11-20     Booth 44
Capozzoli A.*, Paoletti V., Porfido S. & Nappi R. : Historical data revision of the 1688 Sannio-Matese earthquake: dataset of environmental effects for constraining the seismogenic source

11-21     Booth 45
De Ceglie R.* & Petrocelli C. : On the burning earth: the fascination of Vesuvius and the origins of modern geology

11-22     Booth 46
Macini P.* & Pantaloni M. : Geosciences and engineering of Lungro rock salt: unveiling Italy’s longest-lived underground mining site in Calabria

11-23     Booth 47
Macini P., Pantaloni M.* & Console F. : Antonio Stoppani: a pioneer of petroleum geology and his activity in the Italian oil production industry

11-24     Booth 48
Musumeci D.* & Furlani S. : The conquest of the submerged landscape: a neglected history

11-25     Booth 49
Romano M.* & Carnevale G. : Early interpretations of the Eocene Bolca Fossil-Lagerstätte (Italy): three centuries of debates for the emerging Earth Sciences