S8. Geodiversity, Geoheritage and Geotourism: wondering about awareness for a sustainable planet

Conveners and Chairpersons: Elisa Brustia (Dipartimento per il Servizio Geologico d'Italia, ISPRA), Vitantonio Venezia (Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro), Roberto Pompili (ISPRA Roma), Annachiara Rosati (Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro), Laura Melelli (Università degli Studi di Perugia), Alessia Pica (Sapienza Università di Roma)




Wednesday 4 September 2024 [08.30-10.30]

Aula A

8-1     08.30 - 09.00
[KEYNOTE] Dimuccio L.A.*, Aubry T., Rodrigues N. & Cunha L. : Multidisciplinary scientific investigation supporting assessment, valorisation, and management of geoheritage: lessons from CLIMATE@COA project

8-2     09.00 - 09.15
Lozar F., Gerbaudo A. & Tonon M.D.* : Geosites as a tool for climate change education: a case study in Piedmont, IT

8-3     09.15 - 09.30
(Invited) Youm C.I.*, Doumbouya M.F., Gueye A., García-Villalba E., Sow I.S., Samba R., Thiao G., Errami E., Morales J.A. & Sow E.  : Promotion and enhancement of the geoheritage of the Dindéfélo Geopark Project of the Dindéfélo Community Nature Reserve (Kédougou, Senegal)

8-4     09.30 - 09.45
Delmonaco G.*, Brustia E., Pompili R., Primerano P. & Traversa F. : The PanAfGeo Project: the role and experience of ISPRA, Geological Survey of Italy for the enhancement and protection of geological heritage

8-5     09.45 - 10.00
Gianoglio F.*, Caprioglio M.C., Castello G., Fiori C. & Marescotti P. : Geotourism as a tool for geoheritage promotion: a geotrail project in Beigua UNESCO Global Geopark (Liguria, Italy)

8-18     10.00 - 10.15
Morsilli M.* : Urban geology and geoheritage conservation: enhancing aspiring UNESCO geopark development in the Gargano promontory

8-7     10.15 - 10.30
Negri A.*, Storta E., Guerini M., Khoso R.B., Mantovani A. & Giardino M. : Geoheritage and cultural heritage in the Sesia Val Grande UNESCO Global Geopark (North-West Italy): new approach for monitoring and assessing geosites and cultural sites

Wednesday 4 September 2024 [11.00-13.00]

Aula A

8-8     11.00 - 11.30
[KEYNOTE] Giardino M.*, Negri A., Storta E., Mantovani A. & Guerini M. : The role of geosciences to activate the virtuous circle: awareness of geodiversity values - enhancement of geoheritage - growth of sustainable geotourism - public engagement

8-9     11.30 - 11.45
Micheletti F., Fanelli G.*, Festa V., Fornelli A., Bruno G., Gjata I. & Tommasi F. : Geosites as natural scientific laboratory: investigating the links between geology, soil chemistry and botany

8-10     11.45 - 12.00
Venezia V.*, Bellini F., Festa V., Sabato L. & Tropeano M. : The Water and the Rock: a geotouristic route through the geology of springs and fountains in Matera (Basilicata, Southern Italy)

8-11     12.00 - 12.15
Adanti B.*, Corrado S., Cecili A. & Coppola D. : Virtual geological walk to discover the historical-artistic heritage of Rome and its lithoid resources: the Basilica di San Paolo fuori le mura

8-12     12.15 - 12.30
Pirani G.* & Mengarelli M. : Eastern side of Monte San Vicino: discovering its geo-environmental and architectural heritage

8-13     12.30 - 12.45
Urban I.*, Bridi E., Cesare B., Mazzoli C. & Preto N. : Heritage stones: the case of Aurisina Limestone to promote geodiversity in the Classical Karst cross-border area

8-14     12.45 - 13.00
Casale M.*, Gambino F., Borghi A., Beltramo R., Vesce E., Varì C., Giardino M. & Dino G.A. : Unveiling the interplay of mining activities and geo-tourism: an analysis in the Northern Italian region

Wednesday 4 September 2024 [17.30-19.30]

Aula A

8-15     17.30 - 17.45
Alvioli M.* & Melelli L. : URGERE: URban GEodiversity for a Resilient Environment

8-16     17.45 - 18.00
Primerano P.*, Brustia E., Funaro M., Gerardi M., Lucarini M., Olivetta L. & Pompili R. : The Italian Geosites Inventory: making travellers aware through knowledge of geodiversity

8-17     18.00 - 18.15
Ferrando A.*, Faccini F., Coratza P., Vandelli V. & Reynard E. : Degradation risk and sensitivity to climate change of geosites: a methodology for quantitative assessment

8-6     18.15 - 18.30
Muscioni M.*, Arbulla D. & Fanti F. : The relevance and current state of the Villaggio del Pescatore lagerstätte (Campanian, Italy)

8-19     18.30 - 18.45
Lozar F.*, Gerbaudo A., Giardino M., Perona S. & Zambrotta M. : Dynamic geodiversity and environmental sustainability within alpine glacial areas: educational values for the secondary schools 

8-20     18.45 - 19.00
Bellini F.*, Sabato S. & Tropeano M. : Exploring geodiversity through historical fountains and ancient springs: geotouristic paths in the Premurgia Region for sustainable development (Puglia, Southern Italy)

8-21     19.00 - 19.15
Tropeano M., Caldara M.A., De Santis V., Festa V.*, Parise M., Sabato L., Spalluto L., Francescangeli R., Iurilli V., Mastronuzzi G.A., Petruzzelli M., Bellini F., Cicala M. , Lippolis E., Petti F.M., Antonelli M., Cardia S., Conti J., La Perna R., Marino M., Marsico A. , Sacco E., Fiore A. , Simone O., Valletta S., D’Ettorre U.S., De Giorgio V., Liso I.S., Rosati A., Stigliano E. & Venezia V. : Evidences of geodiversity in Murge and Premurge territories (Southern Italy), potential training grounds for geotouristic experiences

8-22     19.15 - 19.30
Burnelli M.*, Melelli L. & Alvioli M. : High-resolution geomorphodiversity and anthropization indices of Italy for urban geomorphology


Wednesday 4 September 2024

Poster Area

8-23     Booth 20
Calderón-Cucunuba L.P.*, Melelli L., Burnelli M., Pica A., Vergari F. & Del Monte M. : Geomorphodiversity in urban areas and the role of geomorphological maps: the study case of Perugia (Central Italy)

8-24     Booth 21
Delmonaco G.*, Pompili R., Puzzilli L.M. & Traversa F. : Geology and cultural heritage in Petra (Jordan): evolution and degradation in relation with tourism management

8-25     Booth 22
Festa V.*, Sabato L. & Tropeano M. : In search for a key area for geotourism? The example of "Sassi", the old town of Matera (Southern Italy)

8-26     Booth 23
Lucarini M.*, Brustia E., Olivetta L., Pompili R. & Primerano P. : Geosites inventory and territorial planning

8-27     Booth 24
Motti A.*, Berti F. & Natali N. : The new geosites identified by the Sezione Geologica regionale and the geological forms of the landscape in Umbria

8-28     Booth 25
Motti A.*, Berti F., Natali N. & Ogna M. : Geotourism: empowering geologists or engaging the masses?

8-29     Booth 26
Pica A.*, Montaldi A., Capotorti G. & Del Monte M. : Geodiversity - biodiversity relationship for the identification and conservation of priority natural areas in urban ecosystems. The case study of the city of Rome

8-30     Booth 27
Punturo R., La Rosa A., Maniscalco R. & Cirrincione R.* : Gabara Park: a magic place to recall sicilian mining history

8-31     Booth 28
Sabato L.* & Tropeano M. : Paintings and writings by Carlo Levi: an unlikely combination with geology?