S24. Assessment of multihazards and seismic microzonation in urban areas

Conveners and Chairpersons: Vincenzo Del Gaudio (Università di Bari), Giancarlo Ciotoli (CNR), Iolanda Gaudiosi (CNR), Silvia Giallini (CNR), Federico Mori (CNR), Janusz Wasowski (CNR)




Wednesday 4 September 2024 [08.30-10.30]

Aula M

24-1     08.30 - 08.45
Livani M.*, Petracchini L., Benetatos C., Marzano F., Billi A., Carminati E., Doglioni C., Petricca P., Maffucci R., Codegone G., Rocca V., Verga F. & Antoncecchi I. : A geological and geophysical database of the Po Plain and the northern Adriatic Sea (northern Italy) as potential tool for the assessment and mitigation of natural and anthropic hazards

24-2     08.45 - 09.00
Lapietra I.*, Colacicco R., Dellino P., Rizzo A. & Capolongo D. : Mapping social vulnerability to multi-hazard scenarios: a GIS-based approach at census track level

24-3     09.00 - 09.15
Pietrosante A.*, Di Salvo C., Maffucci R. & Ciotoli G. : Multi-hazard map of the coastal area of Rome near the Fiumicino airport

24-4     09.15 - 09.30
Ruggiero L.*, Ciotoli G., Mori F., Varone C., Di Salvo C., Finoia M.G., Annunziatellis A., Moscatelli M. & Nisio S. : Exploring the relationship between anthropogenic sinkholes and pluvial flooding in the urban area of Rome: a comprehensive evaluation of multiple hazards

24-5     09.30 - 09.45
Bausilio G., Tufano R.*, Calcaterra D., Guerriero L. & Di Martire D. : Multirisk analysis of the city of Naples (Italy) using the Rock Engineering Systems (RES) method

24-6     09.45 - 10.00
Bonorino L.*, Beccaris G., Chiozzi P., Cogorno A., Filippi E., Narizzano R., Prandi S. & Verdoya M. : Lithological control on the indoor radon concentration: the case study of western Liguria

24-7     10.00 - 10.15
Fontana C.*, Tomassoni V. & Giuffrè M. : Why should we bother about risk reduction at the urban scale? A methodology to assess the effectiveness of seismic prevention measures on urban system functionality

24-8     10.15 - 10.30
Ariano M.*, Fantozzi P.L. & Albarello D. : A systematic analysis on Italian national territory to test the role of local topographic effects

Wednesday 4 September 2024 [11.00-13.00]

Aula M

24-9     11.00 - 11.15
Fantozzi P.L., Ariano M.*, Moscatelli M. & Albarello D. : Realization of the database of geometries and characteristic parameters of “Microzone Omogenee in Prospettiva Sismica” (MOPS) throughout the National territory

24-10     11.15 - 11.30
Cacioli M.G., Mancini M.*, Cosentino G., Carfagna N., Coltella M., Francescone M., Pacitti P., Albarello D.3-6, Motti A., Natali N., Simone G., Ogna M., Stigliano F. & Moscatelli M. : Update of the Level 2 Seismic Microzonation in Umbria Region: methodology and perspectives

24-11     11.30 - 11.45
Carfagna N.*, Pieruccini P., Fantozzi P. & Albarello D. : Mapping seismostratigraphical amplification effects at regional scale from geological data

24-12     11.45 - 12.00
D’Agostino A.*, Porchia A., Tortorici G., Pavano F., Ortolano G., Cavuoto G., Moscatelli M. & Catalano S. : Automated tools for the reconstruction and spatialization of stratigraphic successions to support seismic site effects analysis

24-13     12.00 - 12.15
Capone P.*, Pierri P., Romeo A., Casarano D. & Del Gaudio V. : Accelerogram selection for site response modelling in seismic microzonation

24-14     12.15 - 12.30
Andriani G.F., Diprizio G., Liso I.S., Lollino P., Milella D.*, Morelli P. & Parise M. : Dynamic properties of soils obtained by means of combined resonant column and cyclic torsional shear tests for the Seismic Microzonation studies of Apulia (SE Italy)

24-15     12.30 - 12.45
Ciaglia S.*, Francescone M., Pagliaroli A., Amoroso S., Salvatore N., Giallini S., Milana G., Di Giulio G., Vassallo M., Cara F., Lanzo G., Basi M. & Pizzi A. : First results from level 3 Seismic Microzonation of Sulmona (AQ), Central Italy

24-16     12.45 - 13.00
Licata V.* : Uncertainties of soil profiles for seismic response analyses


Wednesday 4 September 2024

Poster Area

24-17     Booth 85
Argentieri A., Ballarini V., Bordoni P., Cara F., Cultrera G., Doglioni C., Naso G., Orsini G., Perniola B., Pischiutta M., Puglia R., Rotella G.*, Spina D. & Stecchiotti R. : From top to bottom: characterizing the strategic site of Palazzo Valentini (Rome)

24-18     Booth 86
Benigni M.S., Catalano C., Giuffrè M.*, Endreny T. & Rugani B. : The neglected side of post-disaster temporary settlements: how to manage it with NbS for sustainable urban development 

24-19     Booth 87
Calamita G.*, Stabile T.A., Falabella F., Pepe A., Gallipoli M.R., Bellanova J., Serlenga V., Piscitelli S., Gueguen E. & Perrone A. : Integrating remote sensing and geophysical techniques for assessing landslide hazard in an Italian Apennine town

24-20     Booth 88
Nisio S., Madonna S.*, Ruggiero L. & Gentili F. : Natural and anthropogenic sinkhole in Italy: the importance of an interdisciplinary approach

24-21     Booth 89
Proietti Scopetta A.* & Piangiamore G.L. : Places reborn. Two cases of regenerated historic villages in Liguria and Umbria (Italy)

24-22     Booth 90
Gallicchio S., Pepe M.*, Zucchi M., Brogi A., Del Gaudio V., Wasowski J. & Venisti N. : Geological mapping and structural analyses in seismic microzonation for Jv-based subunit discrimination: preliminary results from Gravina in Puglia (Southern Italy)

24-23     Booth 91
Lovati S.*, Massa M., Maraio S., Puglia R., Ferrari E., Rizzo AL., Brunelli G., Varchetta F., Villani F., Figlioli A., Mascandola C. & Luzi L. : Geological and stratigraphic setting of the metropolitan area of Milan (Italy): implications for site-dependent seismic hazard assessment through high-resolution geophysical investigation

24-24     Booth 92
Zaragoza Alonzo A.D.* & Zambrano M. : Advancing seismic microzonation: integration of deep learning for high-resolution Vs30 mapping in the Central Italy

24-25     Booth 93
Licata V.* & Conti R. : A new soil constitutive model for nonlinear 1D seismic site response analyses

24-26     Booth 94
Acunzo G., Pagliaroli A. & Giallini S.* : P4Quad a Pre- and Post-Processor for QUAD4M 2D site response analyses

24-27     Booth 95
Fredella F.*, Del Gaudio V., Wasowski J., Venisti N. & Capone P. : Modelling site amplification as factor of slope susceptibility to co-seismic failures in hill-top towns

24-28     Booth 96
Romagnoli G.*, Muraro C., Niceforo D., Puzzilli L.M. & Ruscito V. : Geological complexity vs. seismic risk reduction strategies: preliminary results from level III seismic microzonation studies of Etnean municipalities (eastern Sicily, Italy)